Sir Nigel Farage

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Having had a look @ the link sent by JohnD there is a mountain of unanswered questions.

It [the link] information appears to in effect kick the ball a wee bit further down the road, it appears that various committees and discussions will be needed between UK + EU to finalise a [as above] mountain of "details"

I hope the negotiations provide the UK with what it actually voted for [way back when]

Cutting across all of the froth and bubbles of brexit all sides should have been at this point or preferably further down the road when the true absolute final details are published then we as population should have been asked to take a second vote on the absolute total complete final "AGREEMENT" what ever it looks and feels like???

Do love hindsight ?
I hope the negotiations provide the UK with what it actually voted for [way back when]
Unfortunately that is impossible.

The Leave campaign was built on and sold as simplistic soundbites.

Take back control
Regain sovereignty
Fishing rights

None will come true.
There are no better trade deals than we have, only worse.

Things will be different post brexit, better, no.
Hmmm, do you think that might mean we end up having more foodbanks than Germany and UK poverty levels will mirror those of the EU?

In notch's sad world of dire future forecasts, yes.
But at least it would mean we are on a level playing field with our friends and partners.
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Hmmm, do you think that might mean we end up having more foodbanks than Germany and UK poverty levels will mirror those of the EU?

Full Fact found that the UK poverty rate is "almost exactly the same level as the EUaverage (17%

14 million people - a fifth of the UK population - live in poverty

- Four million of these are more than 50% below the poverty line, and 1.5 million are destitute, unable to afford basic essentials

- Child poverty is predicted to rise 7% between 2015 and 2022

- Homelessness is up 60% since 2010

- A 49% real terms reduction in funding for local governments since 2010
2/. What will these proposed changes mean to my way of living?

You'll actually have to go out and work for a living. Can you imagine that?
Say labouring on a building site? Filling the steam boilers with coal?
Laying tarmac? Filling potholes.

You know...the kind of work that actually makes you sweat.
That might be difficult though as I suspect your sweat pores went into retirement a long time ago.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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I hope the negotiations provide the UK with what it actually voted for [way back when]

Nobody knows what the UK voted for. Even the Brexers can't agree among themselves.

Theresa May didn't know.
"What does Brexit mean, Theresa?"
"Brexit means Brexit"

We'll get whatever the government in power at the time can manage.

Buffoon is wobbling between a great deal (ha ha) and a no-deal.

He currently says we'll leave at the end of January. We can trust his word just as much as when he said we'd leave at the end of October.

Some people thought a Buffoon majority would bring an end to uncertainty. It didn't. We still don't know when we'll leave, or what terms we'll get.
we as population should have been asked to take a second vote on the absolute total complete final "AGREEMENT" what ever it looks and feels like???

The Brexers are now in power. They will not permit the citizens to speak. Rice-Mogg says we mustn't be allowed another referendum, because the Brexers would lose every time.
:rolleyes: blimey it's that serious :eek:

Wish some one had spoken out about this caper 3 years ago
The Brexers are now in power. They will not permit the citizens to speak. Rice-Mogg says we mustn't be allowed another referendum, because the Brexers would lose every time.

Blimey its that serious :eek:

Wish some had spoken out 3 years ago
Well at least we get to spend 350 million per week on the NHS ;)

And there will be no more nonsense about bendy bananas ;) from the EU

Crime rate will go down as we will take back control of our borders ;) and keep these foreigners out ;)

We will make Britain great again :cool:
You'll actually have to go out and work for a living. Can you imagine that?
Say labouring on a building site? Filling the steam boilers with coal?
Laying tarmac? Filling potholes.

You know...the kind of work that actually makes you sweat.
That might be difficult though as I suspect your sweat pores went into retirement a long time ago.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

I think you will find KenGMac is a professional in the insurance industry, subsidence I think, highly technical no doubt.

Ryler are you still working at the golden arches, or have you moved onto that call centre you were talking about.
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