Sir Nigel Farage

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Could be - or The Normans.

However, I meant the problems since the Good Friday agreement.

The EU caused the problems, they'll be trying to cause a lot more problems before 2020 is out, no worries, Boris can handle them.
Thought there had always been a problem in NI? Or the island of Ireland

Some in the North want to be part of the UK

Some want to be part of Ireland

That's always been the issue in my life time? Afaik

It will never be resolved to every one satisfaction

EU aRe obliged to look after the interests of there members in any trade caper
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Vinty is bang on the money that the EU are using 'divide and rule' tactics with the Irish border being a good example. The EU border plan does far more to violate the good Friday agreement than Brexit.
Still, we've a top man in control now, if anyone can sort it he can.


UK decide to leave EU
and you blame the EU

Flawed logic old bean.

if you were parked in your car and somebody broadsides you, your logic says its your fault.
The EU caused the problems, they'll be trying to cause a lot more problems before 2020 is out, no worries, Boris can handle them.

Boris Johnson is so scared of how badly the trade negotiations will go he is making them secret.

Boris Johnson will doing loads of chest beating, to get you jumping around like a dog on heat.

Nevermind, there are 2 sides in a negotiation and the truth will appear in the European press.
We can watch the Tories fail at every single point.
Hmmm, they haven't been doing much of that with Boris as leader have they?
you mean, not since the 31st of October, when Buffoon assured the world that UK was going to leave the EU?

Remind me...

Did we?
Hmmm, they haven't been doing much of that with Boris as leader have they?
Whats he done so far in EU negotiations then?

Johnson had to cross a huge red line to agree his WA
Border in Irish sea
EU 1
UK 0

Huge fail

Lets see how he does with LPF, thatll be good for furkin laugh.

Nevermind fillyboy will be sucked by the tub thumping rolloks spewing from buffoon
Yes indeed. Allow the country to be over run with foreigners
Yes, they are required to feed the Tory neo liberal system.

And at the same time cede power to a foreign power
We are currently a key player in the largest trade bloc in the world.

After brexit we will cede power to the EU and US, because we will have become a minnow.

Ryler voted for the UK to be weaker.
What a Numpty.

UK decide to leave EU
and you blame the EU

Flawed logic old bean.

if you were parked in your car and somebody broadsides you, your logic says its your fault.
Why shouldn't the UK leave the EU if that is what its people want.
It is after all supposed to be a free country.
Why shouldn't the UK leave the EU if that is what its people want.
It is after all supposed to be a free country.
No reason per se, but then, amongst other things, you have to solve the border problem caused by that decision of the UK.
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