Slavery Reparations

More than frequently, I think he's drunk most of the time.
I've seen several posters resort to abuse, which I understand is against the rules. But they appear to be unfazed by their rule breaking.
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Why do you bother to keep coming back here?

You acknowledge that no-one here reads your links, nor does any research.

Does it make you feel better about yourself, "running rings around people who can't be bothered to humour you"?

Unless it has escaped your attention, this is GD on a DIY site: if high-brow debate (with peer-reviewed links) is what you're after, have you considered a more academic forum?
That's not strictly true: i'll read them if i have time, or not in the case of Laura Trevelyan which i'd already seen in the Times. If there's too much legalese i'll pass, unless it's brief and to the point.
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Unless it has escaped your attention, this is GD on a DIY site: if high-brow debate (with peer-reviewed links) is what you're after, have you considered a more academic forum?

Why would (s)he - (s)he is not an academic, and soon find themselves kicked off as general nuisance, with nothing much to add.
Why would (s)he - (s)he is not an academic, and soon find themselves kicked off as general nuisance, with nothing much to add.
Careful, you'll have DAZB moaning at you for trying to divert the topic.
Oh, sorry. He only complains about me. I wonder why.
Is Himmy having an argument between his several alter egos here???

I choose to post on here because of the continual bigoted diatribe from many of the other members.
If they choose not to read my comments, that proves their bigotry is innate, taught to them by their parents and peers. But that alone serves to enlighten others.
Any bystander reading the comments on here, see the bigotry emanating form some, and learn how not to behave.
Learning from bad examples.
And with the above you've given yourself away once again.
Try following my advice with your next character.
Because you are a prick

I don't think its mental health condition is as complex as that.

Obsessive-complusive, with a bit of anxiety thrown in.

Is Himmy having an argument between his several alter egos here???

And with the above you've given yourself away once again.
Try following my advice with your next character.
Thread closers are stalking. :rolleyes:

Even worthless contributions are beyond them, so they seek to bring the thread to its inevitable conclusion, like all threads that are beyond their comprehension.
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