Hi Roy, you are wrong, again, ...i made my view clear only on Great Britain's role in slavery and Great Britain has benefitted the world immensely, you can take Medicine alone as an example of saving millions and millions of lives, no doubt some of whose cures and treatments have benefitted your family or friends.
There is no way you can judge that the colonies would not have made the same or better decisons if they'd been left to their own devices.
For instance, India was more advanced in many ways than GB.
China was advanced while GB was not established.
Italy/Rome and Greece gave more to civilisation than GB. GB was a far flung island of waring tribes when Italy/Rome and Greece were forming democracies.
It was GB's military power and cruel policies that funded and resourced the industrial revolution. In other instances it was the drug trade by GB that caused the collapse of other civilisations.
Their military power and drug trade does not excuse the role that western countries played in the bondage of slaves, and how the servitude of the imperial powers subjected their colonies, but it does explain how it managed it.
Secondly, i do not seek to shut this discussion down, i have pointed out that the diversions you take it on have nothing to do with the original thread and that is the issue so if you are going to clap back at me get the facts in order please.
Like diverting the discussion to drunken sailors? Oh, sorry that wasn't me.
Tunnels in Portland, Oregon?
The use of capital letters? Oh, sorry that wasn't me either.
The wrongs of our ancestors? Oh, sorry that wasn't me either.
The claim that if they hadn't been enslaved, they'd still be running around in the jungle? Oh, sorry that wasn't me either.
Or how long I'v e been a member, and how many posts I've made? Oh, sorry that wasn't me either.
But you choose only to criticise my diversions.
And you claim you don't want to close down the debate? Who do you think you're kidding?
That said i ill now take my own advice and leave you to your thoughts so i will read your retorts but am not going to give you the pleasure of drawing in another member of this forum with off-topic arguing.
You, and others are free to join in the discussion or not, as the mood pleases you.
You've given us your opinion of how GB saved the world, and should therefore be excuses for the cruel subjection of millions of people around the world. Then you tried to discourage others' participation.
But you don't want to close down the discussion?