Stop the Yachts

Germany’s Navy says there was “no deeper message” in the choice to blast the famed Imperial March in the “Star Wars” films from one of its warships as it cruised down the River Thames through London this week.

...erm...okay. :cautious:
They said the choice was the captains alone, Herr Donitz.
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The Italians have launched a shipwreck manslaughter enquiry. It does look like the mast is intact. A down blast is now suspected rather than a water spout,

They held a press conference. The vessel needs to be recovered in order to investigate it fully. Questions about the crew surviving and also odd comments about the "rooms" the bodies were found in. Endless questions from the press don't really help follow what came out. However it seems several bodies found in the same room. Upper decks.
... and also odd comments about the "rooms" the bodies were found in. Endless questions from the press don't really help follow what came out. However it seems several bodies found in the same room. Upper decks.
Upper left cabins where the natural air pocket would form.
They may have all chose to sit in the same cabin because this was where they felt the swell less from the storm.

Katabatic winds just part of what to expect in a storm.
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According to one report his daughter was asleep in her cabin when the storm struck and her father went back to try and save her - the divers searching for bodies said they were hampered by debris and confused by torchlight bouncing off mirrors, making it difficult to locate the victims. Some of those searchers had worked on the Costa Concordia tragedy and experienced flashbacks. It all paints a terrifying picture of their last moments. The captain of the boat nearest them reckons the height of their mast had a lot to do with the way it capsized. His mast was 92' tall whereas the Bayesian's was 250'. Hard to say what an inquest would make of it all.
My take is the manufacturer will blame the skipper, the skipper will blame the owner and many will question the sea worthiness of a yacht with such a ratio of mast to length.

I’d trust MAIB who are normally excellent at impartial reporting.

For me the key question is why did they remain at anchor?
I'd take a guess they didn't have time as the storm appears to have caught them asleep and unaware. Not much of an excuse, as a captain should always be up to date with the weather, whether at sea or at anchor. Someone did manage to release a distress flare but by then it was too late.
I'd take a guess they didn't have time as the storm appears to have caught them asleep and unaware. Not much of an excuse, as a captain should always be up to date with the weather, whether at sea or at anchor. Someone did manage to release a distress flare but by then it was too late.
Was that flare from the yacht, or one of the escape dinghies?
I’d trust MAIB who are normally excellent at impartial reporting.
Best wait for the enquiry to end. One said that the press want immediate answers. Their's take longer. I seem to have picked up mention of 8 weeks but don't quote me.
It was a tornado in the middle of the night. Localised and unpredictable. Anyone that remembers the Boscastle or Erfstadt event should know that summer storms can be quick, violent, localised and contain huge amounts of energy. I'm not sure how they'd appear on a weather radar but I'm guessing they'd be like a large dot or some such.
It was a tornado in the middle of the night. Localised and unpredictable. Anyone that remembers the Boscastle or Erfstadt event should know that summer storms can be quick, violent, localised and contain huge amounts of energy. I'm not sure how they'd appear on a weather radar but I'm guessing they'd be like a large dot or some such.
Rain can be seen on the radar, as per the F1 races. Sudden downbursts, like that blamed on the sinking, could possibly be detected. But I'm not sure of the level of equipment sophistication nor the degree of meteorological knowledge required, or whether it would require constant monitoring.
Doppler radar velocity data can show areas of diverging winds at the surface, and even the strength of those winds, indicating a downburst.
Yeah, but if you don't blame someone, you run the risk of being blamed yourself.

Like a preemptive strike (of the legal variety), as it were.
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