Stop the Yachts

Porpoises spotted off Ryde sands yesterday. Running a G2 so no spare hands to take photos. He/she didn’t seem bothered by the hovercraft, ferry, jetbikes. Etc.
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I guess the locals have become used to the Channel traffic, although it leaves the question of beachings open to interpretation. I've had a look at the Widlife Trust website about MCZ and see plenty more areas marked for protected status, mostly in the Irish Sea, but i couldn't find anything related to recommended speeds in these areas. The area you highlighted earlier is a newly designated zone, the Purbeck Coast.
As I said, the speed limit restrictions are marked on the charts electronic and paper. It would appear to not be a five minute job to learn how to read them. Some of the MCZs have VNAZs (voluntary no anchor zones) as its dredging and dragging that causes most impact to the sea bed.

Oddly one of the designated water ski zones has a 10kts speed limit, so not sure how that can work.
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Better keep a sharp lookout if you're sailing through the Pillars of Hercules anytime soon...

An orca attack sank S/Y Bonhomme William, a Beneteau 393, in the Strait of Gibraltar in the evening of Wednesday, July 24. A pod of five orcas attacked the sailing vessel around 8 p.m. according to Capt. Robert Powell, captain of Bonhomme William.

Apparently they've been attacking boats not larger than 15' for a few months now - it's thought in revenge for a boat striking one of their group but could also be a way of teaching youngsters how to hunt seals. Either way, a six tonne Orca makes short work of a small boat. Their leader is called Black Gladis. You've been warned.:mrgreen:
We had dozens of encounters in Cardigan Bay, half a dozen would appear and play in the bow wave, playing inches from the boat, or leap out of the water back at the cockpit and just look you in the eye, it always felt like a blessing when they arrived to put on a show. They'd generally hang around for 15 minutes or so then leave us.
Longest encounter was sailing across the Bristol Channel overnight. Although the night was blacker than JohnD's soul, each time they jumped they were lit up by the nav lights, red or green depending what side of the bow they jumped, they stayed with us for about 6 hours, don't know why,

People have been urged to stay away from a dolphin spotted in the River Thames. The common dolphin had been seen several times near Putney Bridge, south-west London, on Thursday, and had appeared to be “struggling with the tide”, but had not been seen since.

The Grainuda

Chasing dolphins again, are you? :mrgreen:
People have been urged to stay away from a dolphin spotted in the River Thames. The common dolphin had been seen several times near Putney Bridge, south-west London, on Thursday, and had appeared to be “struggling with the tide”, but had not been seen since.

The Grainuda

Chasing dolphins again, are you? :mrgreen:
More migrants, coming up the Thames now!!!!. :giggle:
Londinium will fall. :giggle:
Bayesian sinks - One of the tallest sloops ever made. If anyone watches Below Decks Sailing yacht, this boat was made by the same Italian Yacht builder Perini Navi, though Parsifal 3 is a Ketch.

Mike Lynch missing.
Bayesian sinks - One of the tallest sloops ever made. If anyone watches Below Decks Sailing yacht, this boat was made by the same Italian Yacht builder Perini Navi, though Parsifal 3 is a Ketch.

Mike Lynch missing.

Is it unusual to see a tornado in that part of the world? I've never heard of 'em in the Med.
You get the Medicane (hurricane storms) every few years. But it’s a bit early in the season. When it’s like that you are better off at sea than a poorly protected quay. The last one was 2020 from memory. A yacht this size is a bit screwed.

There now appears to be a good reason why the rest of the fleet are ketches. I am told the marine accident investigation team are looking in to it so we will get a detailed report in time.

Rumour has it the mast sheered and holed the boat
The Guardian has started a live tracker thread to keep up with the search for six people still missing, including Mike Lynch, but it's hard to see anyone surviving the storm - turns out it was a waterspout* that caused the terrible damage.

*Greek myth attributed a waterspout to divine intervention, so maybe the three sisters had cooked one up in vengeance for the fraud allegations he was acquitted of recently.

Hours after news of the sinking broke it emerged that his co-defendant at that trial, Stephen Chamberlain, had died after being hit by a car while out running in Cambridgeshire.

Ya gotta wonder... :unsure:
Agia Efimia after the 2020 Medicane. Kefalonia is in the southern Ionian and is normally the play ground for newly qualified day skippers chartering their first boat. Its famous for gentle winds

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