Strangeways brings back hanging

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I'll take your freedom away, in return for 3 square meals, centrally heated accommodation, excellent facilities, health care, etc etc, just as long as you feel you've repaid for your heinous crimes.
Just like a marriage.
Peaps, the riots was orchestrated by the screws, i know, i was around at the times when the screws were actively encouraging people and calling us s**t bags, it kicked of a few weeks later.

Things were changing for the screws, hrs, pay or whatever and a riot sorted that out.

conspiracy theory, it was all down to treatment. Isupose you are going to tell us all you were alan lords best mate, don't tell us it was taylor, he was a rapist ya know...
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Sorry, but I live just down the road from there and there's loads go missing. I do read the local papers (they must have a standard form prepared and just insert the prisoners name)

I live in somersal and have spent time in sudbury, very rare do they go over the fence but some do go out to work or day/home release and just don't come back, stats are low and not every day or even every week/month..

Hmm not really a fair swap is it?? I'll take your freedom away, in return for 3 square meals, centrally heated accommodation, excellent facilities, health care, etc etc, just as long as you feel you've repaid for your heinous crimes.

You have a funny idea of what prisons are mate, maybe you should stop reading the daily mail...

Yep sounds totally fair doesn't it.
Prisoners are kept in better accommodation and treated better than many old age pensioners these days (many who feel trapped in their own homes because of the fear of crime)

Not so
Just for you Peaps.

Don't forget to read all of the pages (there are more at the foot of the page 2,3,4,5,6,7 etc etc.

Hmm they go to work then fail to come back. Is that different from going missing then? If so, How so?

You might win your argument if you can produce a news report for a prisoner going missing every day like you said. instead you produce old news..... :rolleyes:
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