The real problem with the EU is whose in control.

I can't see Heraginns posts ahhhh peace from the nagging !

He's probably far too busy googling his next little gem about the benefits of remaining within the EU (it's gonna take him months to find ) :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:
Sorry don't believe you ......he's only gonna find myths after John D's written them !
How would you know, if you don't read my posts.
Oh, sorry this is another of your stupid comments based on what? Your stupidity! :rolleyes:
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When they can dictate how our vat system is run
The U.K. only adopted the over-complicated VAT system in the first place as a condition of joining what was then the EEC.
This is your interpretation of why it was adopted.
It obviously overlooks the reasons why all the other non-EU countries adopted the VAT system.
So not an argument based on rationale.
I can't see Heraginns posts ahhhh peace from the nagging !

He's probably far too busy googling his next little gem about the benefits of remaining within the EU (it's gonna take him months to find ) :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:
Sorry don't believe you ......he's only gonna find myths after John D's written them !
How would you know, if you don't read my posts.
Oh, sorry this is another of your stupid comments based on what? Your stupidity! :rolleyes:
He can see folk replying to you...Lord knows why I bother, we're on our way OUT
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36? Is that all? I was expecting a deluge..
So far. As explained in the article, which I'm confident you've read before making any further comment, :rolleyes:
The rest may have to jump through organisational hoops before making a public statement.
I, for one, wanted to keep my reasons for deciding private, but I was tempted to enter the discussion because of all the misleading posts by the Brexit-ers.
But I would not want my personal opinion, in any way, to be interpreted as my/our professional/organisational opinion.
My/our organisational opinion may not yet be decided or they may be unwilling to comment, or enter the discussion, leaving people to make their own personal decisions.
I prefer to be brief and to the point. For all your bluster the DIYnot poll is a landslide for OUT
I've edited your comment for you to make it more accurate. :rolleyes: NB, I've stated that I've edited your comment, not done so sneakily and pretended I hadn't. Additionally, I've made your comment more accurate, not changed the context, concept or semantics.
The DIYnot poll is bolstered by your multiple personality, no doubt.
But this poll has no bearing on the result or a proper nationwide poll.

I recognise your brevity, and your insincerity.
36? Is that all? I was expecting a deluge..
So far. As explained in the article, which I'm confident you've read before making any further comment, :rolleyes:
The rest may have to jump through organisational hoops before making a public statement.
I, for one, wanted to keep my reasons for deciding private, but I was tempted to enter the discussion because of all the misleading posts by the Brexit-ers.
But I would not want my personal opinion, in any way, to be interpreted as my/our professional/organisational opinion.
My/our organisational opinion may not yet be decided or they may be unwilling to comment, or enter the discussion, leaving people to make their own personal decisions.
Ah! So you are the guy who works for BSE.. I knew there had to be one.
I prefer to be brief and to the point. For all your bluster the DIYnot poll is a landslide for OUT
I've edited your comment for you to make it more accurate. :rolleyes: NB, I've stated that I've edited your comment, not done so sneakily and pretended I hadn't. Additionally, I've made your comment more accurate, not changed the context, concept or semantics.
The DIYnot poll is bolstered by your multiple personality, no doubt.
But this poll has no bearing on the result or a proper nationwide poll.

I recognise your brevity, and your insincerity.
Some of my posts are sincere, some are just poking fun at you and your little band... Truth is, it just doesn't matter there is nothing you can do and I don't care
When I see the likes of Erwin (Martin) Schulz and his many friends looking down their noses at us as they do everything they can to further their cause.
Pure emotive reasoning, not rational comment.
If you stuck to rational you'd have nothing to say.

When they can dictate how our vat system is run and the rate at which it is applied (as they will soon be doing with our tax system)
Pure fiction. Tax rates are decided by individual members. Look it up before making silly statements. Oops silly me, that's not how the Out-ers present their case.

VAT April 2016.
Tax, that's why I said "as they will soon be doing with our tax system"

When they can tells us who to trade with and at what price.
You are being utterly stupid now. They do not set prices of our goods.

WE know you know sod all about business so I don't expect you to know about MIP.

When jobs can be lost in this country to another in the EU.
Totally irrespective of being a member or not. But it's far more likely if we Exit.

The bank I use has just decided to keep it's headquarters here knowing that there is a very real possibility that we will vote to leave. Car manufacturer's are investing in new madels and plant knowing the same. Global businesses are continuing to invest in booming Britain.Why would they do that if what you say is true?

When jobs are lost in this country to migrants from another country.
Jobs are not lost to immigrants. Jobs are filled by migrants that indigenous people refuse. Also jobs are created by migrants.
Show some examples not make bland statements.

The full time employment that was given to and needed by the people of this country is a thing of the past. The jobs "filled" by migrants mostly agency based low skilled 16 hours a week minimum wage topped up with benefits. Every farm, every food factory in this area was filled with British labour doing the jobs that lying ****s say the Brits won't do. What changed? Tony Blair's minimum wage opened the door to cheap labour and migrants. That changed the way the farms and factories worked. Very few employ direct manual labour. We now have 2-3 people doing the work that one man or women would have done "2 million extra jobs have been created" They certainly have.

When they say we can't stop known criminals entering our country and murdering, raping and robbing people here (We had another EE on EE murder in our town last week. And a lady raped by two of them)
Oh here we go again. Indigenous people do not commit crimes, except they've just murdered a 64 year old Muslims by two brave young men. :rolleyes:
Not to mention the continual abuse that Muslim women have to face daily from brave young racists.

We have had a lady disemboweled in a local hotel. A young man stabbed to death on the doorstep of his home in our village. We have had a man burned to death in his van. A man kicked to death in a wisbech park. An elderly lady murdered and set alight in her home in the last little while. They were not murdered by Brits or muslims but eastern europeans.
We have had numerous sexual assaults and violent assaults on British people by eastern europeans including a 15 year boy attacked with a knife for his school bag at Christmas.
Known criminals are coming into this country and behaving just like they would at home. If they weren't here they couldn't commit those crimes could they?

EDIT: One of the bricklayers we used to build this was murdered by another Brit in 2006. His name was Chris Garford. He was a decent bloke.

Then don't tell me there is any benefit to the *******s that is the EU.
Further emotive rubbish without any rationale behind it.

This is just another excuse to make racially prejudiced comments exploiting the Brexit discussion as an excuse.
But, I must admit you did throw in some stupid fallacious Brexit comments.:rolleyes:

You and dishonest John throw the racist label around like confetti when you have nothing else to say.

EDIT: Sorry, messed up the quoting will sort it when I get home tonight.
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I've seen and heard it quite a few times on the tv , the comment about being allowed to control our own country , having our own destiny in our hands and all that , sovereignty to sound a bit more educated. Nothing wrong with that in my eyes but I do wonder if that call will be expanded upon should we leave the EU . Will we be presented with more referendums ? Will the British public be questioned on whether they want greater ties with say American corporations and the adoption of the TTIP for example or are we going to be expected to blindly follow our politicians?
There's the potential to make an out vote into a truly radical political movement.
Lola, if we stay in, then TTIP is definitely on the cards.. I don't believe that an out vote would change the political landscape much at all. I'm not convinced that Labour will be running much 'till they sort themselves out, UKIP are still too new and inexperienced but will continue to grow albeit under a new name, the Libdems will regroup and rebuild the damage done by their links with the tories... So I see little room for a radical movement to grow... TTIP is something that we must all resist
Definitely on the cards but a veto by anyone of the 28 member states can scupper it whereas many of our politicians of practically all shades have said they are in favour. That's a worry for an out vote but I'm hoping they won't be that stupid. No rather I was saying the outers could really make a dramatic shift here by campaigning for the public to have a real say in the running of the country rather than the one day every five years we currently have. However , I agree that it's unlikely and we are going to be lumbered with the crowd we have now.
EU is a democratic organisation. To be banging on about Greece is not helpful or comparable (unless we vote to Leave, then we'll find ourselves in a similar situation.) Additionally we are and would not be in the eurozone. Greece is simply not comparable with UK.

The EU is not democratic in any way shape or form.
Is this post about EU or about Greece?
Seems to me you want to talk more about Greece than EU/UK

Greece is a member of the EU and is in the Eurozone.
Really, Sherlock? When did you deduce this, good fellow? I'm amazed by your powers of perception. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
It will be a requirement of the EU that following an IN vote, that the UK will have to be fully integrated into the EU and will have to adopt the Euro.. This our future if we vote IN
What utter nonsense!:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

This is illustrative of your bravado, (not confidence), of losing the vote.
Your claims are getting wilder, more extravagant, more inaccurate, more desperate, more aggressive, more vindictive with each post.

Keep up the good work, It'll guarantee a REMAIN vote by helping the undecided to decide, and the current Brexit-ers to change their minds.
Rubbish. Greece's woes are to do with the historical way they entered EU and the lack of governance over collection of taxes, and the refusal for government to evolve into a satisfactory way of governing.

But the EU approved Greece's entry to the EU, did they not think to check their books or did they just not care, suggesting that the EU broke its own rules...Perhaps they will break the rules over the entry of Turkey too.

To change the way that Greece runs its country and collect its taxes, then it would require the installation of an EU controlled government and the conversion of Greeks into Germans...Oh! seems the assimilation process is under way.
How about discussing UK Brexit, not Greece. Or do you just want to derail the discussion?
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