The wheels are starting to loosen on the wagon.


I’ve found that with the big mouths on here. Ask them a question that will show them up and they either (a) start some deflection tactics by answering a question with another question or (b) go to ground. @JohnD is a typical example.
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Mottie doesn't like rich countries contributing money to help the poorer

And he doesn't like other countries sending material or people to help countries that are worst hit.

Mottie doesn't like co-operation between nations.

Mottie is a sour, bitter little Englander.
Give it a rest
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It's nice to see a well-run country helping out another country that's falling behind.

Mottie wouldn't agree.
"Now, with needs even more acute, some are left wondering: If the richer E.U. countries are not willing to support their struggling neighbors, what’s the point of membership at all?"

But they are.

Tranny will explain.
But they are.

Tranny will explain.

Tis every country for themselves the poor South are and will be shafted by the richer North

The poorer South want to spread the debt around the EU members

Some are not happy like the Dutch mind u they never are

What do u expect there bombed out of there eads and wander around with bits of tree on There feet

The Germans are not happy in bailing out Italy Spain etc etc

So to put it simply it's all. Gone T*ts up

The EU will. Survive this caper for now but it will do them long term damage

EU member Hungary have virtually decended into a dictatorship but there is no mechanism in the EU rules to sli ng em out the club
EU member Malta is virtually a mafia state
Run by crooks and chancers with Russian oligarc money ;)

Never really understood the point of Malta :confused:

What do they actually bring to the table :confused:
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Tis every country for themselves


Mottie and his ilk complain that the rich members help the poorer ones.

He grumbled on page 1 of this thread.

Now UK is being given a helping hand as well.

Will he moan about that too?
It's nice to see a well-run country helping out another country that's falling behind.

Mottie wouldn't agree.
Are you sure you are not BAS? If not you are definetly morphing into him rapidly.
If it's each country for themselves then you are arguing for being self sufficient. What would you rather have a manufactiring sector or a financial sector?

Why continue to vote for parties that polices were encouraging deindustrialisation and your go to Brecit Economist - Minford saying just run down the manufactiring sector.

None of what you argue is consistent.
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