3/4 of all paedophiles are white male.
Ard you saying that the authorites should ignore these people in favour of a small number of Muslim offenders?
I don't think you understand the problem.
The majority of child sex abuse in the UK is carried out by family members, and by males with the victims being female. Therefore, purely based on the UK demographic, the majority of perpetrators will be white and male.
But this relates to the more prevalent and typical cases of isolated abuse with one victim and one perpetrator.
What we have in the case of Newcastle, like Rotherham, Oxford, Rochdale, Bristol, Peterborough and several others before it, is systematic, targeted abuse by a specific group (Muslim and predominantly Pakistani) on a specific group (white female children).
Further, its not a case of paedophilia, where the person just wants to satisfy their deviant urges, but rather it's part of a cultural degradation, objectification and abuse of women, where the sex is just a part of the abuse.
Have you read the Jay Reports? Have you read the other reports on this whole sickening thing that is going on in these communities? Every town with a Pakistani community has one or more of these rings going on. Every single one. What is coming out now is the tip of the iceberg, and it is a massive problem, and whilst not to diminish the suffering of other sex abuse victims, this has far reaching implications to society and is not just about "a small number of Muslim offenders".
Read the reports. Learn about the cultural and societal impact of these abuse rings. Then you will understand.