While having my morning cuppa I browsed the world of "dirty electricity" . My what a world it is.
http://www.dirtyelectricity.ca/stetzer_filters.htm has this little gem
They even have their own unit of dirtyness... the GS ( Grubby Sircuits ? )
And they will sell you filters
Odd that with all this fear of EMF they sit in front of computor screens to broadcast the news ( fear ) that all this EMF will harm you.
http://www.dirtyelectricity.ca/stetzer_filters.htm has this little gem
The Graham-Stetzer Microsurge Meter measures Dirty Electricity
To install and ensure optimum performance of your GS filters a Graham-Stetzer Microsurge Meter is required. This meter, designed for the Health Ministry in the Republic of Kazakhstan, a former Russian Republic whose government understands the health symptoms associated of dirty electricity and other EMFs and believes in treating the cause of the problem not the patient after they are already sick. The meter measures the amount of high frequency RF energy (the energy that has the ability to radiate from wires and electronic devices) present in a home or buildings electrical system. It displays it in an easy to read digital format.
The meter is calibrated with 30 GS units equivalent to 1.7 KHz, the point at which experts believe electromagnetic frequencies actually penetrate the human body and can cause significant harm.
They even have their own unit of dirtyness... the GS ( Grubby Sircuits ? )
And they will sell you filters
and only $779.80Graham-Stetzer Home Pack (Free shipping)
Package of 20 Graham-Stetzer filters, the recommended amount for an aveage home. Free shipping! (For proper installation be sure to add a Microsurge meter to your order) To add the correct amount of filters to your...
Odd that with all this fear of EMF they sit in front of computor screens to broadcast the news ( fear ) that all this EMF will harm you.