To all those that welcome/encourage the small boat migrants.

should have went with a similar method to the australians
Nauru is about 3,000 miles from Australia?

France is about 20 miles from UK.
Which island did you have in mind?
Not to mention that it's not legal. Last year the Australian high court ruled it illegal to hold asylum seekers in indefinite detention.
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Nauru is about 3,000 miles from Australia?

France is about 20 miles from UK.
Which island did you have in mind?
Not to mention that it's not legal. Last year the Australian high court ruled it illegal to hold asylum seekers in indefinite detention.
im on about turning boats back and not letting them in
im on about turning boats back and not letting them in
There's a substantial difference between Australia and UK. Australia is not a signatory to the ECHR.
So UK resorting to turn backs would be illegal.

Australia detained Asylum Seekers on Nauru.
The Asylum Seekers were detained until their claim was successful. Or they were offered transport back to their own country. They had agreements with those countries. France has refused such an agreement with UK. Brexit didn't help.
If they refused repatriation, and their claim was unsuccessful, they were detained on Nauru indefinitely.
The Australian High Court has deemed indefinite detention on Nauru to be illegal.

Some were repatriated to USA in a deal with US.
Only 4 more deaths but are you still pleased with yourself?
Pleased with saying the Tories should have dealt with this catastrophe instead of ignoring it? Yes, I am actually...
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Accept your part in this. Four more to add to your toll.

To my knowledge, nobody has died by remaining in France or crossing by foot or by vehicle to other countries from the safety of mainland Europe.
Who are these people that encourage these boat people?

Did you mean the Tory Government? By the way, they've gone now.

You tory supporters should take responsibility
They wont do anything.. they have a massive majority and five years to say.. "we've got 14 years of chaos to fix".
A bit unfair. There's a lot to fix and it will take time.
Equally it's not like they have had 14 years to plan how to deal with the situation now that they are in power.
Planning is one thing. Implementing is quite another.

You both seem very quick to condemn.

Give Labour a couple of years and then come back.
What part did any of us play?

You need a visa before boats, trains or planes will allow you to board.
And you need to arrive on UK soil to be able to claim asylum. You can't do it remotely.

How do you square the circle?
Welcome to the forum. Or rather, welcome back. I was wondering where you'd got to.
The drowning hasn’t stopped so by your reckoning, it couldn’t have been the Tory Government , could it?
Who has allowed it to keep happening?

Want to try and blame anybody other than those responsible?
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