Why don't we just use Spain's reporting method and we can hit single digits or 0?
Just to be clear, Spain recognised that it had a problem with timely daily updates, with delays in data from regions.
Just to be clear, the data for 3rd June, which is the day under discussion, Spain recorded a daily total of 822 deaths. The number of deaths, that were not included in the daily data, for the day that was under discussion, is 17 deaths. It won't make an iota of difference to the original article that UK's daily deaths, on that day, were greater than the rest of the EU combined.
Spain's weekly figures are accurate, and they are updated weekly.
Just to be clear, UK also has a problem with timely daily updates, so UK also updates their totals (ONS figures) weekly.
Just to be clear, there will be deaths in the UK daily figures that will not be accounted for in the government's figures, but they will appear in the ONS figures on 9th June.
Just to be clear, UK only reports deaths that were tested positive for Covid19. It does not include any deaths that Covid19 was the suspected cause, but no test was effected, unlike Belgium, which includes deaths where Covid19 was the suspected cause.
Just to be clear, there will be many deaths, especially in care homes where a test was not performed. Hence the use of 'excess deaths' data.