Tory Leadership Race

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the Conservative party are going to stay in the wilderness all the time it is the BNP-UKIP nationalist party

So until it stops chasing the Reform Racist votes it will keep failing.............what a shame :ROFLMAO:
you better get on the phone to Paddypower...

Paddy power betting odds for Tory leaderships:

Dishonest Bob 4/5
Kemi Badenough 11/5
James Uncleverly 7/1
Tom Tugenohope 10/1
It will be Dishonest Bob, because...

Only 2 of them are RAL 230 90 05;
and one of those has a funny foreign sounding name.

For the Tory base, it's as simple as that.
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Good to see those who would never vote conservative setting out their recovery plan.

They just need a normal person in charge and with 300 new MP candidates, they are already a different party.
Even uncleverly thinks the Tories were appalling..

One of those running to be the Conservatives' next leader is James Cleverly, who's told his party they need to stop "behaving like bloody children" in order to win back voters.

The shadow home secretary made the comments when he was asked which policy he would prioritise to win back voters.

"The first thing we need to do is win back the trust and support of the voters," he said.

"We behaved appallingly," he added.

Asked how the party could do this, he replied: "Stop behaving like bloody children."
Good to see those who would never vote conservative setting out their recovery plan.

They just need a normal person in charge and with 300 new MP candidates, they are already a different party.
And even Truss, who was a big part of the current problems,.....

So far I haven’t seen any of the candidates really acknowledge how bad things are in the country as a whole and frankly for the Conservative Party,” she said.

“I think there’s a bit of Panglossian [thinking that] all we need to do is unite, all we need to do is show competence and we’ll be ushered back into office."
It will be Dishonest Bob, because...

Only 2 of them are RAL 230 90 05;
and one of those has a funny foreign sounding name.

For the Tory base, it's as simple as that.
The tory faithful will always go for the furthest right, and kemmi is about about as far right as Ghengis khan. (actually ghengis was probably at half past the hour, so far to the right he was left - eh ?)

Tommy Tugboat doesn't stand a chance as he is nearly normal

Kemmi will probably promis to stop benifits deport the homeless, and migrants will be on planes without parachutes - for the tory faithful, she is the poster girl - no one cares what colour she is.
Nonsense. Being far right wing won't be enough for UK's rabid racists. God help her if she's in one of those cars being stopped by moron rioters looking for 'foreign people'.

Completely disagree: the tory faithful are are dumb as the football "fans" who hurl racist abuse at opposition black players, yet say "but you're one of us" about their own...............
Completely disagree: the tory faithful are are dumb as the football "fans" who hurl racist abuse at opposition black players, yet say "but you're one of us" about their own...............
....right up to the point where one of their own gets sent off or scores an own goal and the team loses.
Apparently good ol' Nige reckons he'll be PM come 2029.

The very thought of that shower being in power, I'd switch to full on Scottish independence asap if that happened. Not that Reform would mind given their isolationist outlook.
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