Trump Re Ukraine

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... it is very simple to verify our refute the claim.

Just Google "Are cluster bombs illegal?", and go from there.
Except there's so much detail.

The ones the US exported aren't legal for the US to use themselves because of their age and failure rate under US domestic law. Exporting them to Ukraine was carefully managed to ensure it stayed within US law but is simple under general international laws managing sale of weapons. Ukraine has no laws blocking their use so they're allowed to use them under domestic law, unless the violate the laws of war by using them on inappropriate targets which would be a war crime and probably fall under domestic laws as well.
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Except there's so much detail.

The ones the US exported aren't legal for the US to use themselves because of their age and failure rate under US domestic law. Exporting them to Ukraine was carefully managed to ensure it stayed within US law but is simple under general international laws managing sale of weapons. Ukraine has no laws blocking their use so they're allowed to use them under domestic law, unless the violate the laws of war by using them on inappropriate targets which would be a war crime and probably fall under domestic laws as well.

The claim was wrong.
End of.
in some respects I do, if I was a yank I would probably of voted for him, I think he could be good for america (1) , but as I said before the US election he would be bad for Europe and ultimately us and I didn't want him to win, sleepy Biden was our best bet.
And as it is turning out he is going to be terrible for us, far worse than I ever imagined. And if it was up to me I would tell him to go feck himself, who knows we may even get on better with him if we stood up for ourselves - the alternative is just too unacceptable

(1) I am hoping that his very aggressive approach to everyone (apart from his bum chum putin) will back fire, he is pushing too hard too soon.

You could teach a few on here how to reply to a post. Sensible giving your point and not an insult anywhere. I can see the point you are making without wading through a load of verbal.
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You prefer lies? The truth too tough for your sensitive soul?
Why do you insist on being this horrible person, can you not accept that some people have different views to yours. I cannot understand why you are so angry.
EU/UK need to adopt the stance of building a true defence, properly funded, so we're no longer reliant on others. Surely as a collective we have it in our means to achieve this?

Spin the strategy up as quickly as we can, throw money at it, code name 'f*** you'
Fact is the Ukranian president was offered a way out of the Ukraine he could have left in the first few days

He refused any offer to run ?

He had travelled the world asking for assistance

Poo tin had him or has him on a hit list

The bloke has conducted his self very well and shown guts

His standing in Ukraine has and will increase due to trumps behaviour / attitude

Which is total contempt for Ukraine as an independent country and there president

Trump is a total fruit cake his ignorance makes George Dubya look
Like a genius

Imho trumps behaviour is bordering on lunacy

Jeez us wept
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