Its fine to have opinions, but it doesnt further the debate in any wayYes agreed, however I am still a bit confused over this. Yes Putin invaded Ukraine and that is undisputed but I am uncertain if Zelenski did indeed have the chance to peace talks and evaded this. I also believe that we the west have prolonged this war by supplying arms and money. It is just prolonging the enevitable and causing unneccessary suffering and deaths.
what is more useful is if you can provide evidence to support your assertions
for example you think the West have prolonged this, can you explain why?
personally I think the West have prolonged it by trickle feeding the supply of arms over a period of 3 years, what they should of done is to have made a massive show of strength before the invasion, or if not soon after
Ukraine initially pushed back Russian forces and retook a load of ground, but Russian forces then had an opportunity to build significant defences making it very hard for Ukraine for break through and havent