There is no such regulatory requirement for normal domestic dwellings.Where exactly in the regs does it say a domestic dwelling needs an AFDD?
The original version of BS7671:2018 contained a general recommendation that (by implication all) final circuits be protected by AFDDs, but the list of 'examples' of situations in which this might be done included few, if any, applicable to normal domestic dwellings.
In Amd 2 of BS7671:2018, there is again a general recommendation for AFDD protection, but now only for sockets circuits. However there is now also a requirement for AFDDs, again only for sockets circuits, in four specific types of property, namely:
Higher Risk Residential Buildings (defined as residential buildings >18m high and/or >6 storeys, unless over-ridden by local regulations)
Houses in Multiple Occupation
Purpose-build student accommodation
Care homes
... none of which are normal residential properties.Kind Regards, John