He obviously doesn't know what his argument was or is, so he can't re-phrase it.Is this supposed to be the question?Why is it if the dictatorship of the eu took Africa into the eu, you left wing libertards would start defending the rights of the inhabitants of that continent to come here?
Can you re-type it in English and so it makes sense.
Contact your local immigrant help office if English is not your first language.
It also explains his use of the strawman accusation. If he doesn't know what his argument is or was, he has no grounds for the accusation.
Going back to his "supposed" argument, it was predicated on three false assumptions, not including the "left-wing libertard" bit.
A) there are no dictators in Europe.
B) Africa is not eligible for membership to the EU because it's a continent, not a country.
C) Any country in Africa would not be eleigible because it's not in Europe, it's in Africa.