Ukraine counter offensive

But a couple of these bad boys alongside the Challengers will bring nightmares to the defenders when operations begin again in the New Year
Will the americans be saying it's only a material loss?

leaving Putin praying for a Republican victory in the American election.
The republicans were partly responsible for moving nato to russia's boarder. Putin must be looking for more of the same in that case.
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The annual military budget in the US is in excess of 850 billion

What has been supplied to the Ukraine in monetary terms amounts to about 5% of that annual budget

5% to fight a war with the Russians is a bargain in particular when they don’t have any casulties

Plus all the R&D for the weapons manufacturers
The annual military budget in the US is in excess of 850 billion

What has been supplied to the Ukraine in monetary terms amounts to about 5% of that annual budget

5% to fight a war with the Russians is a bargain in particular when they don’t have any casulties

Plus all the R&D for the weapons manufacturers
The currant stand off in the Senate has a bearing on the war, although funding will remain in place House Republicans are vexed to hear money for veterans funds and border patrols will be cut. Those long range missiles will come in handy when they arrive. Nowhere in Crimea will be safe.
The offensive in the south is continuing. Ukraine had shelved armoured pushes as there is too much artillery still active. They've been using dismounted sappers to dismantle the minefields. The first armoured vehicles are being reported going forward now, although they're still sticking to BMPs, Marders and Bradleys.

The theory is that if they can make enough breaches in the minefields they'll be able to surge vehicles through even if some are blocked by destroyed vehicles or the Russians keep some under fire.

The second and third line of defenses are far weaker than the first line and the Russians have taken losses amongst the defending units that they're trying to backfill. It's still possible for a decisive movement before mud season.
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It's still possible for a decisive movement before mud season
I’ve heard that the Ukraine offensive won’t particularly need to stop because of the style of fighting.

Ukraine can’t afford for Russia to rebuild more defenses

as far as I can tell Russian forces are being worn out by attrition and if Ukraine gets more long range missiles, they will be able to knock out more and more supply routes, missile bases, ammunition dumps etc.
The ability to hit the Crimea with long range munitions on a reg basis
Could be a game changer possibly ????

The Russians have held it for 10 years ???
I’ve heard that the Ukraine offensive won’t particularly need to stop because of the style of fighting.

Ukraine can’t afford for Russia to rebuild more defenses

as far as I can tell Russian forces are being worn out by attrition and if Ukraine gets more long range missiles, they will be able to knock out more and more supply routes, missile bases, ammunition dumps etc.
That might be true, but the level of mud they get is epic. It'll slow dismounted infantry and it's hell on logistics. It's easier for the Russians as the defensive lines are placed where it's easy to defend and easy to resupply.

Plus the goal is to force a collapse of the Russian forces and get another Kherson. If you can't get armoured vehicles moving then that much harder to exploit.
Economic destruction of europe and UK is not a bargain

”economic destruction” is an exaggeration

in any case, Europe making itself reliant on Russian energy was stupid, Putin was bound to use it to blackmail at some point, in fact Putin almost certainly was planning this for over a decade.
And what do you think would be the cost if we didn't stand up to Russian aggression ?
The cost will be rolling back of decapitation systems from eastern europe. There is no aggression. Rsussia is only acting in self defense by moving closer to those systems in order to take them out if necessary.
Economic destruction of europe and UK is not a bargain. Once they are gone, the US will have to fight china all by itself.

the biggest threat to the economic destruction of the UK comes from this green caper / nett zero

leaving that aside good old biden I say supplying the Ukraine with these long range munitions as for poo tin with his red line (past) warnings
/ bluster / threats

there is nowt he can do about it

basically he is all p*** and wind
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