Ukraine counter offensive

I know that, thanks. It is also a NATO country, so Putin wouldn't be pushing back NATO's border, he would be up against a new one.
Where does it say putin wants push back nato boarder, in the sun? Nato infrastructure rolls back or EU economically collapse. Both give russia the same thing.
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Where is your evidence? Is it available on the internet
It’s available straight from Putins mouth

as you are clearly Russian, you can listen to it.

Here is Putin explaining his objectives: to conquer Ukraine as part of his imperialist ambitions
It’s available straight from Putins mouth

as you are clearly Russian, you can listen to it.

Here is Putin explaining his objectives: to conquer Ukraine as part of his imperialist ambitions
I am not russian. Not sure what he's saying. Do a translation for me won't you? A member of the chosen said I was indian.

I prefer that you use a russian source. In western sources they cut and splice things together to say whatever they want him to say. This might seem very clever, but I don't find it interesting. The down side of being clever is that once you lose people's trust, they will ignore you even when you speak the truth.
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I prefer that you use a russian source
of course you do

I prefer that you use a russian source. In western sources they cut and splice things together to say whatever they want him to say. This might seem very clever, but I don't find it interesting. The down side of being clever is that once you lose people's trust, they will ignore you even when you speak the truth
It is Putin speaking it’s not cut in any way.

you are just making excuses.
Senate Republicans have blocked a move to pass an aid bill for Ukraine after failing to secure border compromises they sought in exchange.

The $110bn (£87.3bn) package included $61bn for Ukraine...Republicans are insisting that any aid to Ukraine be tied to sweeping US immigration and asylum reforms. Senators voted 51 to 49 against advancing the bill, with 60 votes needed. The vote throws uncertainty into the future of aid for Ukraine and sends lawmakers back to the negotiating table with just days to go until Congress has scheduled winter break.

If American funding for the Ukrainian war effort dries up, Zelensky has a huge problem - as well as facing criticism from the Mayor of Kyev, Vladimir Klitschko, and demands for an election he'd have a tough time getting any further aid from Europe. A hard winter ahead, i think.
Lost of trust is permanent. Show russian source or you have nothing.
This is an old trick, making absurd demands with the intention of wasting your opponents time.

Any Putin apologist is well aware of his making the claim, prior to the invasion, that Ukraine was, to his mind, a vassal state of the Russian Empire.
This is an old trick, making absurd demands with the intention of wasting your opponents time.
New trick to me. The russians should know what putin said or didn't say. If you assign yourself as the official putin mouthpiece, I would call it suspect.

There is now talk of a third nato pin-down developing in Venezuela. This suggests a 4th pin-down will be happening in asia.
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After a pin-down by china, which may or may not be the 4th in the series, I expect germany and japan to declare their independence, and expelling foreign forces. There is a fair probability these will be resolved peacefully. France will have germany's back. China will have japan's back. Britain will proclaim: hey, we helped didn't we - we planned it all along!
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