Ukraine counter offensive

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But Russia feels threatened by NATO actions in the region

No it doesn’t.

Putin is pizzed off thst he hasn’t been allowed to invade other countries at free will.

no NATO country has threatened to invade Russia
Ukraine has never threatened to invade Russia

You are trying to frame Putin as the victim, it is Putin that has invaded 5 countries, stirred up trouble in Syria, supported Hamas, and has Wagner stirring trouble in Africa. It is Russia that plays a massive global cyber warfare and has meddled in politics in the USA and U.K. Not to mention the poisoning of people in the UK.

Are you trying to say it is unfair for Eastern European countries to defend themselves against Russian aggression.

America says one thing and does another. You can't trust 'em. Nutjob's not wrong about that.
Nutjob is a Putin sympathiser, thats a million miles from saying you can’t trust America
I'm not trying to 'frame Putin' - simply pointing out the Russian point of view.
It's fun to be an Advocate for the Devil.
I'm not trying to 'frame Putin' - simply pointing out the Russian point of view.
It's fun to be an Advocate for the Devil.
Your asking a lot there for notchy to see the two sides of the same coin.
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And now?

When a murderous dictator wants something, his puppets fall into line.

Or out of a window.
Now, russia is removing the threat. If you know someone is murderous, you should fall in line. This is kinda obvious.
Now, russia is removing the threat.

I see no evidence that Russia has stopped pushing Putin's opponents out of windows, shooting them, bombing them, poisoning them, or arranging for their planes to crash.
I see no evidence that Russia has stopped pushing Putin's opponents out of windows, shooting them, bombing them, poisoning them, or arranging for their planes to crash.
You sound angry they took out the chosen one who tried a coup. It's quite normal for a state to defend itself and its population.

As for the rest, I am quite sure they are happening on the internet.

Why are you so concerned with russia? You have plans to run the place one day?
Why not? While he's at it, he should take poland. Poland said they want fight.

Yeah poo tin could deploy the just passing through Poland tactic again after all it has proved a great military success in the Ukraine :ROFLMAO:

The might of the Russian army :ROFLMAO:

Plus casualties and stalemate (y)
Makes sense. He will win too. It's done to prevent people claiming successful regime change.

Yeah all
His opposition are either banged up on dodgy charges

Died of some type of poisoning

Or fell out of a window

Or there aeroplane had an explosion

He will probably get get 90% of the vote


We’re does his children live ?? In the motherland or are they in Switzerland ??
"Blimey what a surprise Poo
Tin standing for president again"

He who rides a tiger dare not dismount.
Poo tin has no real choice ounce he loses power ir gives it up power he may well suffer the fate of many ageing old dictators

Poo tin has a squeaky bu m and it’s not necessarily age related either

Dare say he could seek sanctuary in Kim’s Korea ?? Assuming he can keep hold of his massive fortune he pinched from the Russian population ???
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