Ukraine counter offensive

There's quite a Russians residing in the Ukraine at the time let's not forget.
I don't see that that has anything to do with anything. There are people living in countries they don't belong to all over the world, if they don't like it, they can go to a country they do like.
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There's quite a Russians residing in the Ukraine at the time let's not forget.
Yes, and still the majority voted for closer ties to the EU. Putin didn't like that, and here we are.
So these elections were all above board?
Yes, they were monitored by international organisations. Unless you gut feelings say otherwise?

Even Putin accepted the results.
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I don't see that that has anything to do with anything. There are people living in countries they don't belong to all over the world, if they don't like it, they can go to a country they do like.
or in the case of Russians living in Donbas and Luhansk, getting the country to come to them.
I don't see that that has anything to do with anything. There are people living in countries they don't belong to all over the world, if they don't like it, they can go to a country they do like.
The ethnic Russians living eastern Ukraine predate the creation of the modern state of Ukraine.
Ironic you consider that the borders that Ukranians are fighting to defend were drawn up by the Russians.
The ethnic Russians living eastern Ukraine predate the creation of the modern state of Ukraine.
so what

Ironic you consider that the borders that Ukranians are fighting to defend were drawn up by the Russians.

Ukrainian has been invaded by a brutal dictator

Ukrainians are fighting for their very existence

If Putin is allowed to conquer Ukraine, he will destroy every part of Ukrainian culture, he would install his oligarchs to plunder the country if its wealth and he would make Ukraine part of a dictatorship

what part of that dont you understand
Ukrainians are fighting for their very existence

I'm surprised so many Ukrainians have been killed in the last two years.
Can you imagine the outcry in this country if the army had 70,000 killed in Afghanistan over the same period?
The EU pushed its luck too far.
Inciting the overthrow of democratically elected government's can backfire.
Vinty is posting Kremlin propaganda again

I note that Vinty is happy to post Russian propaganda to support his hatred of the EU
poor Vinty is a deluded Unionist

the EU did not incite the overthrow of a democratically elected government

the protests were about the massively corrupt president Yanukovych, who is a good mate of Putin

The protests were more than a demand for closer EU relations; they were a rejection of injustice as a way of life and of the post-Soviet politics of corruption and nepotism. Ukrainians took to the streets to denounce the country’s endemic corruption, from the grand corruption practiced by ex-president Yanukovych and his peers, to everyday corruption and petty unfairness—like the need to bribe a teacher to get better classroom conditions for your children, a doctor to get an appointment, or the traffic police to avoid unlawful fines.
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