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Immedfiately refuted by the Hamas and other Palestinian representatives attending the same discussions. :rolleyes:

The 'other Palestinian representative' being 'Palestinian Islamic Jihad'

PIJ formed as an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood and was influenced ideologically in its formation by the Islamic regime in Iran. It is a member of the Alliance of Palestinian Forces, which rejects the Oslo Accords and whose objective is the establishment of a sovereign Islamic Palestinian state.[7] It calls for the military destruction of Israel and rejects a two-state solution.[8] The organization's financial backing has historically come mainly from Syria and Hezbollah.[9][10] Since 2014, PIJ has seen its power steadily increase with the backing of funds from Iran.[11]

Bigger fruitcakes than Hamas. You have some very strange allegiances Jim.
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The 'other Palestinian representative' being 'Palestinian Islamic Jihad'

PIJ formed as an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood and was influenced ideologically in its formation by the Islamic regime in Iran. It is a member of the Alliance of Palestinian Forces, which rejects the Oslo Accords and whose objective is the establishment of a sovereign Islamic Palestinian state.[7] It calls for the military destruction of Israel and rejects a two-state solution.[8] The organization's financial backing has historically come mainly from Syria and Hezbollah.[9][10] Since 2014, PIJ has seen its power steadily increase with the backing of funds from Iran.[11]
The aim of the organization was the establishment of a sovereign, Islamic Palestinian state within the geographic borders of pre-1948 Mandatory Palestine. Completely rejecting the political process, the organization professes that its goals can only be achieved through military means.
The PIJ are very much the minority group in Palestine.
It looks like a political process has failed since about 1947, so it's no wonder they've resorted to a militry process.
And let's not forget that one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter.
They want a Palestinian state within the 1948 borders.
If Israel hadn't sabotaged the Oslo agreement, Arafat, as Chairman of the PNA, he would have signed and he would have policed Palestine, including reigning in minority terrorist groups.
By sabotaging the agreement Israel made the situation much worse, they always do.

You have some very strange allegiances
You're like Bod throwing accusations around like Christmas tinsel.
You have not the slightest evidence on which to base your accusation, so it's pure hateful abuse, nothing more, Katie.
Another FillyFact?

I know you like to insist 'the Jews were in Palestine first' and thought of that as i read an article about archaeology in the Holy Land. You may already know the Jewish State is very keen to establish scientific credibility to Biblical accounts and have found that...

The history of changes in the magnetic field is recorded in rock. Perhaps the most well-known record is etched in stone at the mid-Atlantic ridge.
Surprisingly, this method can also be used for archaeological sites like the one at Gath. If rocks at these sites become hot enough, they too can align to show the intensity and direction of the magnetic field. Such heat can be generated during military actions, when widespread destruction is common.


Using their chronological anchors, they could create a timeline. They recorded the intensity and direction shown in mud bricks from 21 archaeological layers at 17 sites to discover exactly when each of these cities was destroyed. The team showed that several cities were destroyed around the same time — Tel Rehov, Horvat Tevet, Tel Zayit, and Gath. They suggest that all of these cities were destroyed by Hazael.

the Big Think.com

It isn't really about who got there first, though; more a matter of establishing Bibical truth as historical fact and it's come as a bit of a shock to find all these events taken as legend are in fact, true. You can find all kinds of contradiction in the Good Book but when you read it as a history it's an important resource of context for complex matters of sovereignty.
It isn't really about who got there first, though; more a matter of establishing Bibical truth as historical fact and it's come as a bit of a shock to find all these events taken as legend are in fact, true. You can find all kinds of contradiction in the Good Book but when you read it as a history it's an important resource of context for complex matters of sovereignty.
The real problem is not the 'historical fact' as determined by modern science, it's aligning the 'historical fact' with Biblical stories.
We suffer even today at deciphering the reasons for political/geographical events and causes. We can only confirm that something happened, but not explain exactly what that something was, nor it's geopolitical repurcussions.

Modertn day historical fiction could pass as a genuine recollection of history, if we didn't know any better from genuine historical records.
Fake news?

Is it IDF policy to make the enemy take off their clothes before handing over their weapons?
Fair enough - it's a bit weird to make a fighter take off his trousers then his gun - don't they know that one is for fighting, the other's for fun?
Fair enough - it's a bit weird to make a fighter take off his trousers then his gun - don't they know that one is for fighting, the other's for fun?
It's further humiliation.
When Zionist militias, using advanced Western arms, conquered historic Palestine in 1947-48, they expressed their victory through the deliberate humiliation of Palestinians.
Much of that humiliation targeted women, in particular, knowing how the dishonor of Palestinian females represents, according to Arab culture, a sense of dishonor to the whole community.
This strategy remains in use to this day.
One of the worst documented episodes took place on October 12, when a group of Israeli soldiers and settlers assaulted three Palestinian activists in the West Bank. Israeli newspapers Haaretz and The Times of Israel described how the three were assaulted, stripped naked, bound, photographed, tortured and urinated upon.
Throughout its history – violent birth and equally violent existence – Israel has purposely humiliated Palestinians as an expression of its disproportionately greater military power over a hapless, confined and mostly refugee population.

Urinating on prisoners: Why humiliation is functional in Israel’s war on Palestinians

Israel accused of negligence after photo of released Palestinian prisoner goes viral​

Images of Farouq al-Khateeb looking frail and malnourished after his release have shocked family, friends and critics of Israel's prison system

Abusing Palestinians to ‘boost Israeli morale’​

The release of these images and footage comes amid a growing number of reports that the Israeli army is systematically separating Palestinian boys and men from their families in areas they control in Gaza and dragging them away to unknown locations.

Those who have been released have described torture and beatings at the hands of Israeli soldiers. The fate of many remains unknown, but given the deaths of at least six Palestinian prisoners and reports of widespread torture and other ill-treatment, there is a high chance they will face abuse as well.

The videos and images circulating on social media have helped journalists and activists identify some of the detained, disproving Israeli claims that these are Hamas fighters.
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