
Roy’s antisemitic attitude is disgusting.
Someone elkse who can't differentiate between Israelis, Jews and Zionists.
Also can't differeniate between people an dtheir government.
Also can't differentiate between settlers, and the vast majority of other Israelis.
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Of course the Time of Israel will 'cl;arify' the remarks. :rolleyes:
It's the mouthpiece of propagnda for Israeli government.
It's been reported in the Guardian, the Telegraph, TRT (a Turkish news outlet) and Middle East Eye. How many links do you want?
It's been reported in the Guardian, the Telegraph, TRT (a Turkish news outlet) and Middle East Eye. How many links do you want?
Do they repeat the Times of Israel article?
According to reports in the Israeli media, Karim again apologised for his remarks after being called in for meeting with a senior military officer.
When the comments received widespread media attention for the first time in 2012, Karim issued a clarification to the same website, saying: “Obviously, in our times, when the world has advanced to a level of morality in which one does not marry captives, one must not perform this act, which is also entirely against the army’s values and orders.”

July 2016@theGrudiana
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According to reports in the Israeli media, Karim again apologised for his remarks after being called in for meeting with a senior military officer.
When the comments received widespread media attention for the first time in 2012, Karim issued a clarification to the same website, saying: “Obviously, in our times, when the world has advanced to a level of morality in which one does not marry captives, one must not perform this act, which is also entirely against the army’s values and orders.”

July 2016@theGrudiana
So it took him (and the Israeli miltary) ten years of introspection to reconsider his poor comments. And he did so only after being called to meeting with a senior military officer.
And if I read it correctly, he suggests that marriage is out of the question, but rape is not mentioned.

And these are still reports in Israeli media. Of course they want to portray an attitude of supposed morality to the world.

Edit: I see he is quite comforable with apartheid and seeing women as second class citizens:
It is not the first time that Karim has been drawn into controversy over his views. A part of the military rabbinate he formerly headed published a booklet in 2013 stating that “the concept that non-Jews have equal rights with Jews in Israel goes against the opinion of the Torah, and the state’s representatives have no authority to act against the Torah’s will.” The Israeli military apologised for publishing the booklet and rejected its claims.

In 2002 Karim wrote that women’s enlistment in the military should be forbidden, and in 2011 he objected to women singing at military events.
From your Guardian link
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So it took him (and the Israeli miltary) ten years of introspection to reconsider his poor comments. And he did so only after being called to meeting with a senior military officer.
And if I read it correctly, he suggests that marriage is out of the question, but rape is not mentioned.

And these are still reports in Israeli media. Of course they want to portray an attitude of supposed morality to the world.
He came under scrutiny after taking up the post of chief military rabbi. His attitude is prevalent on the Far right but scholars would be able to argue against his viewpoint much better than I. Jewish attitudes to gentile women do bear looking at more closely, though.
He came under scrutiny after taking up the post of chief military rabbi. His attitude is prevalent on the Far right but scholars would be able to argue against his viewpoint much better than I. Jewish attitudes to gentile women do bear looking at more closely, though.
See my edit to earlier post.
And these are still reports in Israeli media. Of course they want to portray an attitude of supposed morality to the world.

To be fair, whilst the IDF are not raping young girls to the point of breaking their pelvises, or stuffing young girls vaginas full of nails, they do have a moral high ground, wouldn't you agree?
To be fair, whilst the IDF are not raping young girls to the point of breaking their pelvises, or stuffing young girls vaginas full of nails, they do have a moral high ground, wouldn't you agree?
Rape is rape. If you claim the moral highground by condoning rape, you have no morals, and are full of hypocrisy.

Your graphic imaginations do not nullify that.
Are you saying it didn't happen and the reports presented to the UN are a figment of my imagination?

You need help Roy.
Reports presented by Israel without evidence, like the beheading of babies, etc.
When you're desparate to justify genocide any excuse will do.

No doubt you'll present your own post as evidence. :rolleyes:
Not just rape, plenty of genital mutilation was involved.
Someone elkse who can't differentiate between Israelis, Jews and Zionists.
Also can't differeniate between people an dtheir government.
Also can't differentiate between settlers, and the vast majority of other Israelis.
It’s how you come across Roy. I’m hardly the first person to say it.

Shake your head.
You could look at it in the same context of British soldiers accused of executing prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan: it happened but not on the orders of superior officers. The soldiers were disciplined according to the law. The chief rabbi made those comments before he became military officer in the IDF and retracted those statements to accord with IDF policy on treatment of prisoners and civilians. They're not always observed according to the rules of war but conflict like this brings out an ancient enmity that makes a man lose all sense of civility and respect for human life.
The October 7 atrocities committed by Hamas are a response to many, many years of Israeli subjugation and humiliation of the Palestinian people.
Hamas are a response to many, many years of Israeli subjugation and humiliation of the Palestinian people.

And what about all the other Islamic terrorist groups?

I was going to name them but there was too many.
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