
Hamas are not representative of the Palestinian state at the UN, where they have been accepted as an observer state of the United Nations General Assembly in November 2012. Following the Oslo I Accord in 1993, the Palestinian Authority and Israel conditionally recognized each other's right to govern specific areas of the country.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said the US’s veto made it “complicit” in war crimes in Gaza. “The president has described the American position as aggressive and immoral, a flagrant violation of all humanitarian principles and values, and holds the United States responsible for the bloodshed of Palestinian children, women and elderly people in the Gaza Strip,” a statement from his office said.

World Opinion@Al Jazeera

Fun Fact #7 - As of 2 June 2023, 139 of the 193 United Nations (UN) member states have recognized the State of Palestine (Israel is recognized by 165).
And that right by Palestine to govern Palestine as an independent state has not been respected by Israel.
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Women are raped every day in every country in the world.
If there is evidence that Hamas militants committed sexual offences, then these allegations should be investigated and if the culprits are identified, then they should be punished accordingly.
Similarly, war crimes committed by Israel should be investigated.
In fact war crimes comitted by any nation should be investigated.
Except some nations refuse access to the investigators to investigate.
Its usually only the defeated that have their war crimes investigated, for this reason.
Being familiar with international humanitarian law, knowing what is legal or not, and what weapons are banned and restricted was knowledge that Bellingcat’s Nick Waters insisted was essential. “It’s very important to at least understand the basic principles when you are trying to establish if illegal atrocities are being committed,” he said. “Even under these laws, pretty horrible things can happen which are entirely legal.”

Global Investigative Journalism Network

All the cctv footage you can get may not be enough to identify an individual soldier; and Israel is in no mood to share information lightly.
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All the cctv footage you can get may not be enough to identify an individual soldier; and Israel is in no mood to share information lightly.
And never have been.
Maybe why so many press and UN members have been killed during this conflict.
BRUSSELS (AP) — A leading organization representing journalists worldwide expressed deep concern Friday at the number of media professionals killed around the globe doing their jobs in 2023, with Israel’s war with Hamas claiming more journalists than any conflict in over 30 years.

In its annual count of media worker deaths, the International Federation of Journalists said 94 journalists had been killed so far this year and almost 400 others had been imprisoned.

The figure for deaths is up from 67 in the same period of 2022 — including 12 killed in Ukraine — and double the total of 47 recorded for the whole of 2021.

Associated Press

Typical behaviour of a Fascist Regime, i'd say.
Under international law, journalists don’t constitute a separate, protected class from civilians overall. However, just as it is illegal to intentionally target civilians or launch an attack that does not distinguish between military targets and civilians, it is also illegal to intentionally target journalists. Media cannot be considered military targets even when they are being employed for propaganda purposes unless they make an “effective contribution to military action” or they “incite war crimes, genocide or acts of violence,” according to the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Nevertheless, independent investigations have concluded that Israel has intentionally targeted journalists on multiple occasions.

The group Reporters Without Borders recently filed a complaint before the International Criminal Court accusing Israel of committing war crimes against journalists covering the conflict in the Palestinian territories — the third such complaint it has filed since 2018. Israel has opposed these complaints, arguing that the ICC has no jurisdiction over them because Palestine is not an independent state, despite the fact that it is recognized as such by 138 of the United Nations’ 193 members and is a party to the ICC, unlike Israel.

The latest victim is the father of Al Jazeera journalist Anas al-Sharif [who] has been killed in an Israeli air strike in northern Gaza.
Al-Sharif told Al Jazeera that his 65-year-old father, Jamal, was killed on Monday after his home in Jabalia refugee camp was struck. Al-Sharif is the fourth Al Jazeera journalist to lose family members since Israel launched an assault on Gaza on October 7 in response to a Hamas attack on southern Israel. Al-Sharif said the rest of his family had evacuated to an UNRWA school but that Jamal was not able to flee for health reasons.

Since Israel is using smart bombs it can be assumed the house was targeted deliberately.
Egypt should open up there border gates and set up camps for woman and children ect in the sinai
I'm just reading in the New York Times that Israel secretly helped fund Hamas for more than a decade. Some sort of divide and conquer plan to weaken the Palestinians and prevent a two state solution.
Egypt should open up there border gates and set up camps for woman and children ect in the sinai
A nice idea but the Palestinians do not want to be stuck in another refugee camp on the border of what is their land, such as the camp in TransJordan. And the Egyptian President is having another 'election', so the last thing he needs is a bunch of Palestinians cluttering up his desert.

I'm just reading in the New York Times that Israel secretly helped fund Hamas for more than a decade. Some sort of divide and conquer plan to weaken the Palestinians and prevent a two state solution.

Do you have a link for that story?
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