
No worries, dude...

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Israeli officials are facing backlash after years of Prime Minister Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu quietly allowing Hamas to remain in power. But reporting in the New York Times has revealed that Netanyahu's government was more hands-on about helping Hamas: they helped a Qatari diplomat bring suitcases of cash into Gaza, indirectly boosting the militant organization, according to the report. The calculus — the Times reported on Sunday, citing Israeli officials, Netanyahu's critics, and the man's own reported statements — was to keep Hamas strong enough to counteract the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, allowing Netanyahu to avoid a two-state peace solution and keep both sides weak.

Israeli security officials got it wrong; they didn't think Hamas was capable, or even interested, in launching a large attack against the Jewish state.

In 2018, Netanyahu's administration came up with a plan, according to the New York Times. As part of a peace agreement with Hamas, Qatar would bring millions into Gaza to distribute to Gazan families, the outlet reported...

So it appears the Israeli government's deal with Qatar, and the Saudi's, was to split support for Palestine in the Arab world with large sums of cash to keep 'em quiet in the Gaza strip, pay off the Palestinian Authority and make sure the Western media reported a land flowing with milk and honey, avoiding criticism by making it anti-semitic to do so.
That all blew up in thir face on October 7th and even when the IDF destroy armed resistence in Gaza by the end of the year, Netanyahu will be under huge pressure to explain all this away. Hamas have told them bluntly that no remaining hostage will survive this onslaught unless an immedite ceasefire is agreed.
Its usually only the defeated that have their war crimes investigated, for this reason.
Very true.
The Russians committed atrocities every bit as evil as the Nazis.
Yet they were invited to sit in judgement of the Germans at Nuremburg.
A nice idea but the Palestinians do not want to be stuck in another refugee camp on the border of what is their land, such as the camp in TransJordan. And the Egyptian President is having another 'election', so the last thing he needs is a bunch of Palestinians cluttering up his desert.
Ethnically Cleansing the Palestinians into Egypt will only move Israels problem, it won't solve it.
Egypt doesn't want its country destabilised, when Palestinians were displaced into Lebanon years ago, it caused a civil war.
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I'm not surprised this subject is up again. USA and in fact UK's feeling on fighting a less well equipped force that they do not like. Colateral damage doesn't matter. You only need think back to Iraq and notice the huge number of civilians killed in a short period of time. An Israeli official mentioned others as justification.

Problem in Gaza and the |West Banks is that info is coming out even though attempts have been made to stop it. Also western journalists are not being allowed to go in and look for themselves. This puts the USA in an odd position so probably making peaceful noises while really accepting what is going on. Send them yet more bombs and money.

Anyone who has followed what has been going on between Palestinians and Israelis aught to realised that something wrong has been going on for rather a long time. It started with the West Bank which immediately left them with a UN black mark. Blinken was arguing not long ago that is should be removed.
And that right by Palestine to govern Palestine as an independent state has not been respected by Israel.
Jews were forced to leave Gaza leaving lots of wealth. Hamas smashed or spanked that wealth on guns and cement.
Anyone who has followed what has been going on between Palestinians and Israelis aught to realised that something wrong has been going on for rather a long time. It started with the West Bank which immediately left them with a UN black mark. Blinken was arguing not long ago that is should be removed.

No mate, it started in 1948 when the Palestinians were offered a nice piece of land, much larger than they're asking for now, and they said **** off, we'll go to war with you and take the lot, they lost. Multiple invasions later, they're still losing, and they still won't attempt a deal.
No mate, it started in 1948 when the Palestinians were offered a nice piece of land, much larger than they're asking for now, and they said **** off, we'll go to war with you and take the lot, they lost. Multiple invasions later, they're still losing, and they still won't attempt a deal.
The distribution of land was grossly unfair to the Palestinian people.
The Jews (becasue they weren't Israelis then) were given vastly more land than the proportion of population justified.
And there was no UN mandate to allow them to declare an Israeli state. That was in contravention of the UN mandate.
The green houses for one.
They were useless due to the embargo on Gaza exports.

Understanding that the Greenhouse Myth is not true is important both because it helps us to understand the contours of the conflict more accurately and because it will make us more skeptical of the way simplistic, false narratives are deployed for the purposes of propaganda.
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