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dat,a .... as in bat
It's the pronunciation of the first, not second "a" that varies/differs - is that what you're talking about (your comma seems to suggest not)?

To clarify, can I ask you the same question that I asked ebee ... when you pronounce "data", does it rhyme with "martyr" or with "later" (or neither !!)?
Quite apart from the matter of pronunciation, the word "data" has been a very contentious issue for me.

In my day job, I not uncommonly find myself writing/typing the word "data" a hundred or more times in one document. Despite repeated protestations that "I speak and write English, not Latin" for many years I have been forced (by peers, clients, reviewers, journal editors etc.) to treat it as plural - which, even after all the years, still 'sounds/looks wrong' to me every time I type or hear it.

... and there is inconsistency. If (somewhat sarcastically!) I type the word "datum" to refer to a single item (and treat it as singular) that is also seemingly 'not acceptable' - and, reversing the English/Latin distinction, many of them expect me to type "formulas" rather than "formulae" etc. It therefore seems that they don't really know whether they are speaking English or Latin :)

Use of the word "data" is often unavoidable in a lot of my writing but, whenever possible, I try to substitute "information" (or similar), since it seems that no-one requires me to treat that as plural :)
I don't think I've ever come across ";pro data".

I may be misunderstanding here ...

... when you pronounce "data", does it rhyme with "martyr" or with "later" ?
Martyr John, as in dah tah.

No I have never heard of pro data either but it sounds the same (example)
It's the pronunciation of the first, not second "a" that varies/differs - is that what you're talking about (your comma seems to suggest not)?

To clarify, can I ask you the same question that I asked ebee ... when you pronounce "data", does it rhyme with "martyr" or with "later" (or neither !!)?
It's later for me but I regularly hear martyr, batter, da'ah and battah from people I deal with. Just like most other words it's a free for all. Overall I feel it's the first 'a' receiving the most variation.

But does it matter/matryr/m8ter/ma'er?
It's later for me ...
... as I've said, and me, and all the 'data people' with whom I interact - but it now seems that ebee probably regards that as the US pronunciation, which he seems to dislike and/or have a problem with
but I regularly hear martyr, batter, da'ah and battah from people I deal with. Just like most other words it's a free for all. Overall I feel it's the first 'a' receiving the most variation.
Yes, I sometimes hear all sorts of variants, but I virtually always understand what is being said ....
But does it matter/matryr/m8ter/ma'er?
Not a jot. As I always say, all that matters to me about language is that it provides for clear and unambiguous communication - and any of the pronunciations of "data" achieve that
Oh ;)

I, and most of those I work with, must be 'American' then :) ... we all talk of day-ter
Yes I know I am in the minority, at school we were taught the proper way (it was a long time ago now) but then we get some great scifi american TV progs (program or programme - some benefit to us because we differentiate computer progs as the american spelling, so not all bad is it) . But the whole world has now got the habit of pronouncing it the american way. Stop, says I, is nothing sacred? LOL. ;)
Yes I know I am in the minority, at school we were taught the proper way (it was a long time ago now) but then we get some great scifi american TV progs (program or programme ...
Hmmm. I'm not convinced that I have ever used, been taught to use or heard many UK people using the "dah", rather than the "day" first syllable of these words

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