Using an electric shaver?

oh, if it's already soft, your wet shave won't get smoother, then. You shouldn't get soap scum residue on the basin.

Are you using a sensitive foam, and washing or showering your face afterwards to remove all traces?

Sharp new blades?

I get skin irritation if going out into blizzards after shaving, so used to grow a winter beard.

Does Mrs H like you tufty, or bristly, or smooth? If she bought you a shaver that sounds like a clue.
Does Mrs H like you tufty, or bristly, or smooth? If she bought you a shaver that sounds like a clue.
Or maybe it's a 'back, sack, and crack' that's required? ;)
Wet shaving is always faster and better, but electric shavers cost less. If your wife thinks you are doing it wrong maybe she should do it.
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You definetly need to wet shave..bit of lube works wonders,you have sensitive skin and you are never letting it heal without scraping the top off it all the time..You end up with rhino skin constantly using electric razor.
Wet shaving is always faster and better, but electric shavers cost less. If your wife thinks you are doing it wrong maybe she should do it.

If you're spunking money on Mach 3 stuff, probably.

My Merker cost £55, and will outlast me (how longer will an electric shaver last?)
£20 for the badger hair brush.
Tenner for the shaving cream, which lasts about a year.
Tenner for a hundred Derby blades. A blade will do two weeks, easily, so that lot will last four or five years.
I’d say you are asking it to cut too much - especially wet. For longer hairs like you have in your picture it’ll clog the heads before you’re even halfway through. You’d be better off with a foil shaver, not a rotary. If I leave mine a few days, I use my foil razor to get the majority off and if I’m not in a rush, I’ll use my rotary to finish off. If I shave daily, the rotary is fine although I never wet shave with mine, just dry shave. If I clean my rotary out after 4 or 5 days use (or looking at your beard, just one day in your case!) it’s full of hair. A bit like this:

I don't have any experience of those shavers with rotary cutters. My brother used to use one, and it seemed to take him ages. Seemed like garbage to me. He would keep stopping shaving to feel his face, then go over again to get the bits it had missed.

I've always used shavers with a foil or foils. The Remington I use now gives a great shave, almost as close as when I wet shave - which is about 3 times a year. It's cheaper than wet because it is rechargeable. Shaver cost £60 and apart from a few pennies of electricity for a charge every 5 or 6 days, that's the only on going cost. No rip-off blades or shaving foam to buy.

Also it's quicker with my shaver than wet shaving. Just turn on and start shaving. No filling up basin, putting foam on, then scraping your face while trying not to self- harm. The real time saving comes in not having to stick bits of bog paper on the wounds caused by a blade. Then remember to remove them before going to work. I've had 7 or 8 shavers since my teens - all foil types. They cut better these days than ever. I could never faff around every day with wet shaving. And a Wahl battery personal trimmer is great for manscaping.
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Real men wet shave. Threw my phillips away when i was twelve.