Vaccine questions - Is the vaccine definitely as safe as the other vaccines?

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Where are the answers to all those questions?

This is a doozy. "Why no word of the well documented Global Reset in the same breath when the Virus is so blatantly and actually being used to usher in this New World Order the Globalist Elite are so pushing for (as detailed in Rockefeller Lockstep 2010, UN Agenda 21/30)"

The WEF Global Reset is well documented. The Lockstep link is rubbish

UN Agenda 21/30.....what's wrong with it?
Where are the answers to all those questions?

This might be the last remaining one "How do doctors/nurses have time in 'war zone' hospitals to rehearse tictoc videos whilst 4.4 cancer appointments are cancelled?"

I don't think they do. JtP posted some videos some months ago but there was no proof of where they were or when they were posted.

My question to you would be;

Why would NHS staff lie about how busy they were/are dealing with Covid19 cases. Why cancel other critical treatments if they were, in fact, just hiding or on gardening leave. What is the purpose of all this deception!!
Thank you for taking the time to reply.

I suppose there is not that much difference between those who believe everything they are told by the powers that be and those who believe nothing. They will both be wrong some of the time.

On a similar topical note: has anyone in the big television channels today said that far too much air time has been given over to the death of Prince Philip?
Have they been told to do what they have done, have they all done it because they wanted to do it, have they all done it because they think they should do it or simply because their bosses told them to do it and for which of those reasons did the bosses tell them to do it?
Can it be considered brainwashing of the public?
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I suppose there is not that much difference between those who believe everything they are told by the powers that be and those who believe nothing. They will both be wrong some of the time.

Yes, but which will be the more often wrong?

On a similar topical note: has anyone in the big television channels today said that far too much air time has been given over to the death of Prince Philip?

The networks will have all had preprepared programs months ago, almost ready to roll out, except for a final few tweaks. They always do have, when an event is anticipated. Diane's death wasn't anticipated and it was obviously so.
Thank you for taking the time to reply.

No problem, there are dodgy people in all walks of life but I really don't get the why in all of this.

have they all done it because they think they should do it

I prefer this but just a personal opinion. I think they have a number of the scripts worked out for a number of people, just in case.

Can it be considered brainwashing of the public?

Not quite sure what the brainwashing would be for. For me, I watched some and it was interesting, when it became repetitive I turned over.
Agree with that, but if you leave the young unvaccinated, you risk the chance of a really serious and more deadly mutation occurring.

Very little risk of that. The majority of the population aren't vaccinated against seasonal flu, and it hasn't got more deadly over a very long time. In fact, viruses tend to mutate to become more transmissable but less harmful. Again, seasonal flu is a good example of this.
Very little risk of that. The majority of the population aren't vaccinated against seasonal flu, and it hasn't got more deadly over a very long time. In fact, viruses tend to mutate to become more transmissable but less harmful. Again, seasonal flu is a good example of this.

I think it is the unknowns of a novel virus they are worried about. But, yes, it may turn out the way you describe which might not be so bad. Time will tell.
Thank you for taking the time to reply.

I suppose there is not that much difference between those who believe everything they are told by the powers that be and those who believe nothing. They will both be wrong some of the time.

On a similar topical note: has anyone in the big television channels today said that far too much air time has been given over to the death of Prince Philip?
Have they been told to do what they have done, have they all done it because they wanted to do it, have they all done it because they think they should do it or simply because their bosses told them to do it and for which of those reasons did the bosses tell them to do it?
Can it be considered brainwashing of the public?

Ratings. If the news of the day is Prince Philip and you are not covering it then viewers will switch over. You are correct in part the public have been dumbed down and brainwashed where they are fed soundbites and simple answers to complex problems.

Have you watched Adam Curtis latest masterpiece? The dissonance he creates with his visuals and music makes his points stand out.
If I'd murdered my DiL, raised a paedophile, a poofter, a ****** & possibly the single most arrogant bitch that ever sat on a horse, lived in gold plated palace's & owned diamonds the size of my fist, swanned around the place like I owned it, seriously injuring other folk (several times) with the arrogance of my untouchable position in general . . .

Then I wonder if I'd get as much sympathy when I pops me clogs?

If you buy a newspaper tommorrow 'cos 'Phil the Greek' has died, then you deserve the contempt of all the folk in the queues at the food banks & all those other folk who no longer subscribe to your reality.

The worse thing about being a top level royal isn't the fact that the central heating in Buckingham Palace is a bit dodgy, it's about not being able to spend as much time in the south of France as the minor royals.
I dont recall ever speaking to you so unsure when/where I called you a sheeple.
Interesting that you say not to demean myself by asking you to find a post where I called you a sheeple because as I said ,I don’t ever recall ever speaking to you so is that actually true.
No I meant how is getting back to normal going ? Not the jab and exactly th3 type of answer expected of the brainwashed sheeple.
It's not bloody rocket science, just search for Harry and Sheeple and you find two examples of you calling him just that.

Or in simple words you have called Harry a Sheeple and if you don't remember doing it that's your failure.
Why do you believe the MSM, Governments across the word, hundreds of thousand healthcare workers and scientists are all in on it and lying to us?

It is a standard tactic of cults: what unites the believers is that: 'they have seen the light, everybody is in the dark'

On this forum JtP and Sooey both use exactly the same narrative.

If you ask them what is the motive of the MSM you will never get a straight answer.
I suppose there is not that much difference between those who believe everything they are told by the powers that be and those who believe nothing. They will both be wrong some of the time

Your posts seem to say you don't think Covid is all that use the death rate argument as a basis for it.

But that argument is misleading. Death rate data is the what has happened even though considerable lockdown measures and social distancing has been in place.

If you want to argue Covid isn't all that bad....we need to estimate what the death rate would've been if life had carried on as normal.

This govt has been opportunistic in its corruption to make money, but that doesn't mean lockdown measures haven't been put in place for good intent. Those 2 positions arent mutually exclusive.
Maybe you’ll stop accusing everyone who voted for Brexit as being brainwashed by MSM then?......... but maybe you won’t
Maybe you’ll stop accusing everyone who voted for Brexit as being brainwashed by MSM then?......... but maybe you won’t

The right wing media, those papers owned by billionaires who are Tory donors and live in tax havens.....yeah they've been gaslighting the public on Brexit.

But that's not all the your arguments just disappeared down the drain :ROFLMAO:
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