How do doctors/nurses have time in 'war zone' hospitals to rehearse tictoc videos whilst 4.4 cancer appointments are cancelled? • Why are ALL NHS WORKERS gagged against speaking out against the one track narrative and are not allowed to voice an opinion and face the sack if they do so? • Why no word of the well documented Global Reset in the same breath when the Virus is so blatantly and actually being used to usher in this New World Order the Globalist Elite are so pushing for (as detailed in Rockefeller Lockstep 2010, UN Agenda 21/30) • Why no talk of the current huge shifts in wealth currently happening across the globe(trillions of pounds) • Why are the globalist elite making billions more money where 'lesser' people are driven to despair? • Why is there blanket silence in the mainstream media about the biggest protests in Indian history with millions upon millions gathering in Delhi? • Why no word of Event201.. a huge exercise of a Pandemic just 6 months before the 'real' thing? Surely they would mention this and say “dont worry.. we have practised for this very scenario” LOL. • How is it the very people who organised Event201 now have all the answers and are now making billions from the pandemic? The list of questions you can ask is endless, and if you have the slightest bit of intelligence you might just wake up and start to question why the hell you are simply buying this nonsense

People need to get a grip about what is happenning and how the world actually works!

What an absolute SH*T SHOW!!!