Well done Tony Blair!

jasy said:
kendor said:
Watched Tony Apologising to the couple who were found innocent over bombings, It took a lot of guts and Humanity to do so, and the irony was he wasn't to blame for their arrest and imprisonment anyway he was taking the blame for some tw*t's (in the previous tory government's) cockup. Well done Tony, you have shown yourself as a compassionate and Caring person. :D

The only people who should be apologising are the f*c*ing IRA for knowing who killed all those innocent people and also leaving innocent people to rot in prison. The British Government has NOTHING to apologise for. Wake up MUppet. The tory government are not To blame KENDOR, the IRA are the cause of the problem, oops sorry they must be a surpressed people so you support them as well do you? :evil:

No answer Kendor??, that does surprise me :rolleyes:
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Good luck to you Masona.......

When Labour get booted out, whenever, the next government in will be the ones who apologize for the Iraq war, Spotsdam Hussein will be pardoned and Josiah bendy Landin will be given the freedom of the City of London, watch out for the sheep.
Masona, sorry to hear about your health problems. All the best.

Adam. On the subject of Maggie, I feel that you must have been really lucky not to have been affected by her policies. As I have said in the past, I beleive all politicians to be scuz buckets, through and through.

NHS Under the torries! I lost my eldest brother and sister under the tories waiting for operations.

My eldest brother was diagnosed with cancer of the Aorta, waited 4 YEARS, yes 4 YEARS, for an operation. Surprise Surprise, when they finally opened him up, it had gone too far to be operated on (had invaded the spinal chord). Lived just another 4 months after the op.

My sister had chronic pain in the lower back. Although cancer was suspected she waited 14months (on morphine) to even see a consultant. Was finally rushed into hospital when her spasms became uncontrollable. Diagnosis was complete Kidney failure due to cancer. Further investigation showed that the Liver was also unsalvageable. Took another 4 days for her to finally pass away. What we witnessed her going thruogh you wouldn't wish on a dog.

I also know a lot of people that lost their businesses and homes through Maggies deliberate policy to kill off small businesses. They still haven't recovered.

I have no respect for Tony whatsoever but, as far as I am concerned, Maggie was an insult to humanity itself. She had balls, I'll grant you, but that's just because she didn't give a stuff about the "little people" that she was grinding into the ground.

As far as the NHS is concerned, Every time ANY government decide to inject money, they ALWAYS decide to direct the cash at re-structuring the whole thing. The restructuring costs a fortune and does nothing to improve the care. I was working for the NHS when this party came to power.

I saw hundreds of PCs (less than 2 weeks old), being thrown away, and replaced with brand new ones (sometimes of inferior specification), simply because they belonged to the "old" organisation. They wouldn't even allow the "old" ones go to charity, as there would be the risk of liability, in the event of future problems.

In one hospital, there was one lot of builders in the process of refurbishing a wing, while another crew were waiting for them to finish, so that they could go in and demolish it! About £1.2 million was spent across Hertfordshire alone, just for new letter headings.

If only one government would come to power and say. We've decided NOT to restructure the NHS. We are just going to give it more money to for patient care. That way, hospitals would be able to add more beds/staff etc.. and we could all see a real benefit. Unfortunately that would take a "real prime minister" that actually cares. I can't remember ever having one of those.
masona said:
I think the problem with the NHS, Labour is pouring more money in the NHS but I think it's bad management and too many pen-pusher with clipboards, so money down the drains. It would be worse if all the private patients goes back to NHS, so in theory I & others are subsidizing the NHS which I don't get a rebate from the NHS service. What b*****r me is that in France or Germany don't have any waiting lists and yet we are richer country than them, so what is going on?
i speak from my own experience having been (un)Lucky to have seen several changes of government and which i believe has worked best for the country as a whole. Which is why i support Labour and Tony Blair as i believe he is the best PM we have had in my opinion
You are entitled to believe whatever is right for you, I wouldn't hold it against you. I get fed up when Tony Blair is rattled then come up with plans now which should've been done aged ago, he's either not doing enough or doesn't know what to do next. I will say it can't be easy specially with Gordan Brown getting on his nerves!
Of course you are bang on with the money wasting, not for want of trying but where others would attack the government for the trouble with the NHS it is local control ie managers AND workers that need to contribute aswell.
There is too much moaning and shirking that goes on these days instead of all pulling together to get the country into shape.

too many workers these days want a free meal ticket instead of buckling down , this is why France and Germany do so well, good honest hard work and pride in making their country efficient you don't need massive investment with the right attitude to start off with.
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Here is a very simple illustration of decent private enterprise, costs tax payer nowt and generally provides a good service.
Crowding Out Appraisal
The Which? Magazines and consumer reports are a good example of how a public service can be provided by a privately funded charity. Started in 1957 by the Consumers Association, Which? provides publications, legal advice and research to the benefit of the British consumer and at no cost to the taxpayer.
Before the creation of a new public body, there should therefore be a proper assessment of whether its work would be crowding out a nascent or existing privately financed lobby or charity. As quangos are generally better and more regularly financed, this is a legitimate concern for lobbyists and charity workers who enjoy their independence from government.
Quango :- An organization or agency that is financed by a government but that acts independently of it
I guess there must be some creditable stuff here -- but not all I'll be bound !!
Wanna know about a few money sinks ?

See http://www.cps.org.uk/pdf/pub/402.pdf 'The Essential Guide to British Quangos 2005'
Ok, this think tank may be slanted - more or less in the nature of think tanks - but tis interesting reading - I wonder just how much time the 'snouters' on the large payments are putting in ? very little I would wager !! But then just who is counting ? :mad:
TV should get into government makeovers, local and national ... Probably get about 30 viewers - most from Diy not ! :cry:
I worked in A Hospital once a long time ago, the nurses worked too hard for too little money, the overpaid numerous managers kept tripping over themselves trying to avoid getting their hands dirty.
jasy said:
jasy said:
kendor said:
Watched Tony Apologising to the couple who were found innocent over bombings, It took a lot of guts and Humanity to do so, and the irony was he wasn't to blame for their arrest and imprisonment anyway he was taking the blame for some tw*t's (in the previous tory government's) cockup. Well done Tony, you have shown yourself as a compassionate and Caring person. :D

The only people who should be apologising are the f*c*ing IRA for knowing who killed all those innocent people and also leaving innocent people to rot in prison. The British Government has NOTHING to apologise for. Wake up MUppet. The tory government are not To blame KENDOR, the IRA are the cause of the problem, oops sorry they must be a surpressed people so you support them as well do you? :evil:

No answer Kendor??, that does surprise me :rolleyes:
I'll leave it to others to say whether the above needs answering, looks like he's shot himself in the foot once more :LOL: :LOL:
Typical labour -- cannot keep their word !! KD, Remember your previous post regarding the infidels ? When is an answer not an answer ?
'Speak in haste, regret at leisure' or sumfing like dat. ;) ;)
I won't answer the prat directly anymore pip as he's not worth the breath but he will try to turn that decision to his advantage hence i leave it to others to make their minds up as to his behaviour.
kendor said:
I won't answer the prat directly anymore pip as he's not worth the breath but he will try to turn that decision to his advantage hence i leave it to others to make their minds up as to his behaviour.

The only person to have made himself look a prat is yourself with your self righteous posts about how wrong other people are and how right you make yourself out to be. : :rolleyes:
Talking of the NHS and the proliferation of 'managers' let us not forget that there are grafters too !!
The 'Clinical Manager' manages and also works in the trenches !
jasy said:
The only person to have made himself look a prat is yourself with your self righteous posts about how wrong other people are and how right you make yourself out to be. : :rolleyes:
Need i say more? he can't even get his facts right! what a dope. :)
TexMex, sorry to hear of your bad experience. I do understand my late father suffer parkinson disease for 22 yrs waited to be treated. I agreed everything from your last post.
TexMex said:
If only one government would come to power and say. We've decided NOT to restructure the NHS. We are just going to give it more money to for patient care. That way, hospitals would be able to add more beds/staff etc.. and we could all see a real benefit. Unfortunately that would take a "real prime minister" that actually cares. I can't remember ever having one of those.
This is what I can't understand, I can't even remember if the NHS was ever running efficiently from any party's over the years. Surely it can't be difficult to put the money into patient care? As you says we need real leader, I remember sometime ago there was a TV programme for NHS Question Time with Tony Blairs and the audience hammered him left, right, centre. He was so shaken up and was determined to do something about it. I'm afraid it's more lies.
Do they not understand they will win the election just by sorting out the NHS alone.
My family generation all work for the NHS over the years apart from me and they are splitting blood of what is going on inside and they have just told me 12,000 nurses left the NHS last year for a better wages in the USA after they have the training done in the UK paid for by the taxpayer. I give up.
masona said:
My family generation all work for the NHS over the years apart from me and they are splitting blood of what is going on inside and they have just told me 12,000 nurses left the NHS last year for a better wages in the USA after they have the training done in the UK paid for by the taxpayer. I give up.
this last bit worries me masona, are we saying that the nurses are now making decisions on mercenary grounds as opposed to moral grounds these days? if so what happened to the "patient comes first" attitude?
Is this why the NHS is in trouble these days as apathy and greed have even crept into the medical profession?
A worry indeed!
Richardp said:
I worked in A Hospital once a long time ago, the nurses worked too hard for too little money, the overpaid numerous managers kept tripping over themselves trying to avoid getting their hands dirty.
Yes, I agreed but how can we deal with this problem?
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