What are you watching on TV right now?

I was watching it in my bed but, I fell asleep around round seven of the Lee McGregor v Erik Robles fight.
Not because it wasn't a good fight, I was just knackered.
Yes, it was a very good fight and for once the right man won
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Theodore Slotover a.k.a. Ted Kravitz doing his walk 'n' talk round the paddock on Sky F1. I can’t stand the bloke he's so up his own arse and full of his own importance. Where’s that off button…….
Wheeler dealers, they just done up a BMW M5, love this show
Bit of a pointless post in the 'what are you watching on TV' thread Harry. That’s more of a 'what have you been doing today' type of post.
TBF, he prefixed it with "Nowt,", so I feel some points should be awarded for relevance!
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F1 Belgian GP. Verstappen won again and seems unstoppable these days. Naomi Schiff is much better at commentating /interviewing than that twát Kravitz and as an ex-racer, she certainly knows her stuff. Better to look at too!
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Just started getting into 'Better call Saul'. I think it’s a spin-off from Breaking bad.
Oppenhiemer. Rubbish. I fell asleep after 20 minutes. Woke up about 2 hours later and it was still on and still rubbish.
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