What have you been doing today?

Just had another fracas at the supermarket, a woman was stood right at the sanitising station looking at plants, I asked her to move away, she shuffled a couple of inches, I asked for two metres, she eventually moved muttering "how rude" to the lady guarding the entrance, Give me strength
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My wife had a bit of a fracas at ASDA this afternoon apparently. We have taken a fancy to Cadbury's Flake Cornetto's. Usually have one when we are relaxing of an evening but running low so she decided to pick some up when she went shopping with her daughter. Yesterday she paid £3 for the last box in the freezer. Today the price on the freezer said two for £3 However, the shelf was empty so politely asked one of the 'male' assistants if he could check the warehouse to see if they had any in stock. He pulled a face and huffed that if they weren't in the freezer then they wouldn't have any. She explained about the price change and said to do that they must have stock or it is illegal trading. He then pulled out his scanning machine, scanned the barcode on the freezer and said no, they didn't have any and walked off. Looking for something different and a female assistant walks past so my wife, again politely, asked the same question. "No problem madam, I'll go and have a look for you." Within 5 minutes she came back with a trolley loaded with all types of ice creams including the ones my wife wanted. Thanking the lady very much she took 6 boxes, (there were at least 20 on the trolley, paid for them then asked for the manager. He turned up so she related what had happened and told him the guys name on his badge. Managers response was the bloke didn't have to go to the warehouse if his scanner said they didn't have any because it would mean they didn't have any. Bit more banter trying to make him see that they actually did have some even though he said the scanner said they didn't and she gave up in frustration and before the ice creams melted.
Arrives home, puts the ices in the freezer and sends head office ANOTHER letter of complaint about customer service and managerial indifference at this store. I await the outcome.
Just had another fracas at the supermarket, a woman was stood right at the sanitising station looking at plants, I asked her to move away, she shuffled a couple of inches, I asked for two metres, she eventually moved muttering "how rude" to the lady guarding the entrance, Give me strength
Should have chinned her.
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Just finished off a plate of cheese and biscuits form the French cheese selection my daughter bought me for Father’s Day. All delicious, couldn’t choose a favourite among them. Nightmares tonight!

That lump of grey at nearly 6 o'clock on your plate is edible?!
I thought it was something Susie brought him from her bowl. :LOL::LOL:

That’s a Valencay - there’s a story of how it got its name. Blame a sulking Frenchman! Thats the only one on that plate I’ve had many times before. One of my all time favourites.
I thought they were 1275’s but that cylinder head couldn’t pull twin 1 1/2”s so who knows.
Anyway they are hopelessly out of sync so that’s a job for tomorrow.
John :)
Is that one of the later models (Mark 3 or 4?) with the **** black bumpers for the US market instead of the chrome?
I always wanted a Midget when I was younger. Test drove one in Bristol and it was so much fun. I went to work abroad though, and moved to London shortly after my return. And now, I can't drive due to my hips.
This car dates from 1977 / 78, I really don’t know which model or series it is but it does have large rubber bumpers. I don’t recognise the engine as an A series derivative so I assume it is a 1500cc. For sure it is quick (for that, read terrifying!)
It came to me with dud brakes so I’ve replaced the master cylinder, calipers, discs and pads and guess what - the brakes are still terrible but hopefully they’ll bed in and improve.
When you drive these things you quickly realise how awful they are, although they were really cool when I was a young ‘un.
John :)
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