What have you been doing today?

You shouldn't do that with meat and fish! You should need to know if a day out or a week out
Hopefully my eyes, nose and common sense will tell me just like it used to in the old days. My argument is that if I buy a bit of meat or fish from the supermarket counter, it automatically gets a 'use by' date slapped on the ticket. If nobody buys it, it goes out the next day and probably the day after - with a different 'use by' date! Of course, you don’t get any dates when you but fresh produce from the butchers, fishmongers or greengrocers so common sense will prevail there too!
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Yes, up to a point - but it's not just smell that allows us to know meat/fish has gone bad.
Imo, leaving the dates on it safeguards. When does more information become a bad thing?!
Makes you wonder why they bothered bringing them in.. I wonder if it was so people can have a guide on their food to stop food poisoning! And you're not supposed to be eating anything by the use by date.

Sorry, having the information is a good thing - if people throw it out instantly like Mottie's Mrs that's just them taking it too far. For those sensible and less worried among us having a best before is a good thing. I know that I often forget what's in the fridge or dinner plans change so having the date makes me eat stuff in order of when it's going off so I don't waste any..

It also stops supermarkets fobbing off crud to us that's past it's best at full-price.
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Makes you wonder why honey has a best before date (think sell buy dates aren't used anymore) There is no known best before date for honey, it's good for centuries (yes, centuries)
Makes you wonder why they bothered bringing them in.. I wonder if it was so people can have a guide on their food to stop food poisoning! And you're not supposed to be eating anything by the use by date.

Sorry, having the information is a good thing - if people throw it out instantly like Mottie's Mrs that's just them taking it too far. For those sensible and less worried among us having a best before is a good thing. I know that I often forget what's in the fridge or dinner plans change so having the date makes me eat stuff in order of when it's going off so I don't waste any..

It also stops supermarkets fobbing off crud to us that's past it's best at full-price.
It all backfired a bit...Best before,use by dates etc..People stopped using there common sense
It all backfired a bit...Best before,use by dates etc..People stopped using there common sense
I'd have thought it was because people had no common sense that the guides were brought in in the first place :LOL:

Ahh, I guess nothing covers all angles of stupid!
I was in the local Co-op the other day & they had out-of-date jerseys on the counter. I snagged a bag. Like dates matter for spuds...

It's more certain shops that I'm wary of when buying short-dated stuff. Cheap mince from Lidl needs eating or freezing asap, milk from the local convenience place goes off extra quick, etc. If you know the store, you know which fridges are dodgy.
It's not so much dodgy fridges as poor food management. Claretainers of refrigerated food get put out on the shop floor and stay there for excessive amounts of time before being put in the fridges.
Spent my morning firing off emails to the local council and police licensing depts.

Apparently the guidance for pubs regarding social distancing and loud music are guidance only. The are not enforceable, so both depts say. They are not willing to ensure the safety of the public in their pubs or anything, so basically it's down to the good will of the landlord.

The problem with dating food is that assuming a shop rotates their stock each time they stock up, people, ((and I admit I always do it), will go to te back of the shelf to search for the longest use by date. This means that shops are often left with near out of date food that they either reduce in price to sell off or simply throw it away.

I've found a use by date on a bottle of bleach once!
It’s our wedding anniversary today. Three wonderful years. Not bad out of 34 (joke!). Sad reminder that it was exactly 15 years ago today when me and Mrs Mottie were celebrating our anniversary in Rome and we were on the top deck of an open top tour bus waiting to start a tour from the central train station when the area was suddenly swamped with screaming police cars, ambulances and even a very low flying helicopter. We were wondering what was happening when I got a call from our son telling us not to worry as he was alright. It was the day of the 7/7 bombings. Obviously all major European hotspots were put on high alert. He had to walk to East London from the city and I got a mate to run him home to Hornchurch. :(

Anyway, we had a nice day out at West Mersea, a walk on the beach with our dog, lunch outside at one restaurant, dessert outside on the way home at another and I am now totally stuffed!

Out to sea


Little Mermaid




One wet, happy dog. :D

Happy Anniversary to you both.
Now sit down and have a nice takeaway with a bottle of plonk tonight.
The problem with dating food is that assuming a shop rotates their stock each time they stock up, people, ((and I admit I always do it), will go to te back of the shelf to search for the longest use by date. This means that shops are often left with near out of date food that they either reduce in price to sell off or simply throw it away.

I've found a use by date on a bottle of bleach once!

You may be surprised, bleach does indeed go off!!
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