What have you been doing today?

Been a good hubby today while Mrs Mottie was out on dementia mum duty. I did the weekly shop - both Lidl and Sainsbury’s, hoovered up, did the ironing completely emptying the ironing basket including putting it all away and had a salmon stir-fry on the table when she got home. Collected a few love tokens there. ;)

Did they have any tomatoes?
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Hours spent/wasted - working out how to update the firmware on a repurposed BT router, with OpenWRT. A router which had connected and worked well with OpenWRT, then suddenly stopped connecting. I eventually found, and updated the firmware, then I couldn't work out what the broadband password was, so had to pester Plusnet to set up a new one. Even with the new username and password, it still failed to connect, so back to the identical hardware, but with crippled firmware. Plusnet router.
I was with Plusnet. I used a whole series of ex-routers round the house to create a network.
I wanted to stay with them but BT wouldn't give them FTTP quick enough. Got a great set-up now with BT WiFi 6 mesh units dotted about.
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Went for my usual walk with the dog but got caught out in a snap snowfall. The wind was literally blowing it sideways.

Got a ****ing parking ticket for parking with two wheels on the pavement outside my workshop while I opened it up. I was out of the car for approx 2 minutes and the **** pounced. Dirty rotten **** - I had the hazards on too. I’m looking into appealing it, I might be lucky.
Lucky is my middle name. :ROFLMAO:

I had to drive to Milton Keynes today to pick up a piece of furniture that Mrs Mottie bought. That was 3 hours of my life I’ll never see again! :rolleyes:
Went to our local Buddhist temple for a walk in the woods followed by a bowl of butternut & coconut soup, chilled out now
Day out and lunch with friends and our dogs at Mersea. Lunch at the Coast inn where they have a nice choice of beers - I plumped for a pint of Ghost Ship with my pan-fried haddock. As usual, after lunch and another walk on the beach, we go to Tiptree jam rooms for our dessert - cream tea - only we had to wait an hour to leave the island today as an extremely high tide covered the road to the island! While I was waiting for the tide to go down, I turned round, went back and bought a crab to take round to my mum for her tea.

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Roast pork, mash and roast, sweetcorn, sprouts, stuffing, honey roasted parsnips, Yorkie pud, and gravy. That, followed later, by Black Forest Gateau.
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