What have you been doing today?

one of the spring clips that secure the poxy push-fit rad hoses had completely rusted. I had to make one out of a caliper spring clip. Took bloody ages doing it by trial and error - heating it up with a blowtorch, bending it, shaping it - took me half an hour or more. It was too late to phone a main dealer but I somehow think you can’t buy them separately.
I was right, you can’t buy the clips separately. They should only cost pennies but to get that clip, you have to buy the complete hose. £127.60. No thanks!
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Rob and Chris on SRUK often complain about high parts prices at dealers, but sometimes find parts unexpectedly cheap. Cheaper than they could get them on eBay.
But I'm cynical. I'm quite sure all the individual parts that make up an "assembly" are available on their own, but the dealer refuses to sell them that way.

I remember trying to buy a headlamp glass for a BL car.

Dealer: Sorry mate, it comes as a sealed unit.

Me, annoyed after inspecting a new one.brought from the warehouse: Clearly not! The glass is held on to the rest of it by metal clips.

Dealer: It's a sealed unit. Do you want it or not?

Ended up climbing a pile of motors in a scrapyard that afternoon but the glass on its own was a damn sight cheaper!
Main dealer parts have always been a rip off. Years ago when a new mini (original version) cost approx £5,000, someone worked out that if you bought all the components to make a Mini from a BL dealer parts dept, it would cost you best part of £25,000.
I got traumatised doing the brake pads on a 'sud.

The Haynes manual said undoing the Allen grub screws was the same direction on both sides of the car. After huffing and puffing and skinning myself, I worked out that one side was the opposite way round to the other...

Thanks for that, John!

To do the clutch had to jack the car up about three feet at the front and drop the entire engine/gearbox/drivetrain & subframe, even then the gearbox wouldn't come off without removing the inboard discs/calipers. What a design.
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Breakfast at 'spoons - makes a change from Tiffany :cool:

Avril spotted yesterday, that they were doing a small breakfast for £2.99, in January, but mentioned it too late to get there before 12, when they stopped serving - So, she rang yesterday, to check the offer would still be on today too, and was assured it was throughout January. We got there this morn, and after enquiring at the bar, she was told it ended on the 17th. Asked to see the manager, explained we had made the trip in based on the discounted cost offer, and even rung to check it was still on - but he said nowt he could do about it. Decided as we were there, to go ahead at the full price, but the receipt showed I had only been charged the £2.99 each.
A bit of skip diving today. I rescued this small pond from one. Tested it for leaks and moulded it back into shape with some hot water. It’s even got a little set of steps built into it for creatures to get in and out. That'll do just fine for the allotment. I’ll hopefully have some frogs and toads on the plot this year to do a bit of organic slug clearance. (y)

Out this morning as soon as it was light. Disconnected the glow plug loom, connected up a test lamp, ignition on, test lamp glowed strong for about 2 seconds and then went dim as if there was a bad feed. I've just ordered a glow plug relay off eBay and I’ll try that when it comes.
I've just been out and replaced the glow plug relay. Carried out the same test with the same results so it appears there was nothing wrong with my original relay. Oh well, time will tell and it fired up straight away.

I broke a piece off of my air filter box, yanking it off when it was cold so I repaired that with a bit of superglue. I found out two things; 1. Superglue melts through blue nitrile gloves and 2. If you spill a bit onto your front grill/bumper and lean over the bonnet, your jeans will stick to the car!

I've just been out and replaced the glow plug relay. Carried out the same test with the same results so it appears there was nothing wrong with my original relay. Oh well, time will tell and it fired up straight away.

Damned parts swappers! Can't get a proper mechanic for love nor money these days. Prepare to load the parts cannon. ;);)
I broke a piece off of my air filter box, yanking it off when it was cold so I repaired that with a bit of superglue. I found out two things; 1. Superglue melts through blue nitrile gloves and 2. If you spill a bit onto your front grill/bumper and lean over the bonnet, your jeans will stick to the car!

I've always had very mixed results with superglue. It seems hit or miss sticking things you actually want to bond together. However it is excellent at sticking things you don't really want to stick, eg skin, eyelids, clothing, hair, tools to the garage floor. :rolleyes:
It's been a few decades since I last toyed with Flight Sims, so today I got the urge to download and give them a try. They've progressed a long way, with real world detail.
As is usual, on Mrs Motties non-working days I get up, make her a cup of tea and take it up to her in bed. I let the dog out the garden to do her business while the tea is brewing. She comes in, picks a toy at random from her toy box at and takes it up to mrs Mottie in bed as a present. Nothing unusual in that apart from today she had an upset tummy and trod in it, walked it through the kitchen, hall, stairs, landing, bedroom and bed cover! I heard the screaming from Mrs Mottie and before I’d got up to the bedroom with the tea, I smelt it. :sick: Mrs Mottie got straight up and stripped the bed while I picked the dog up, carried her downstairs and into the garden where I filled an old bucket with warm soapy water and washed her paws. Mrs Mottie has spent all morning with the carpet cleaner so I’m in the dog house for not wiping her paws when she came in from the garden - didn’t think I’d need to as it was all frozen outside, I only do that when it’s wet/muddy. Could be worse - I heard of someone who had one of those automatic carpet sweeper robot thingys that also had a dog with an upset tummy and it got spread all round the house!

Later this morning, I received a speeding ticket - 36 in a 30. Not one of my best days!
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As is usual, on Mrs Motties non-working days I get up, make her a cup of tea and take it up to her in bed. I let the dog out the garden to do her business while the tea is brewing. She comes in, picks a toy at random from her toy box at and takes it up to mrs Mottie in bed as a present. Nothing unusual in that apart from today she had an upset tummy and trod in it, walked it through the kitchen, hall, stairs, landing, bedroom and bed cover! I heard the screaming from Mrs Mottie and before I’d got up to the bedroom with the tea, I smelt it. :sick: Mrs Mottie got straight up and stripped the bed while I picked the dog up, carried her downstairs and into the garden where I filled an old bucket with warm soapy water and washed her paws. Mrs Mottie has spent all morning with the carpet cleaner so I’m in the dog house for not wiping her paws when she came in from the garden - didn’t think I’d need to as it was all frozen outside, I only do that when it’s wet/muddy. Later today, I received a speeding ticket - 36 in a 30. Not one of my best days! Tonight, to make it up to her, I’m taking her out to a new Japanese restaurant that has recently opened local to us.
Be careful the dog might have an upset tummy tomorrow ;)
Mrs Mottie has spent all morning with the carpet cleaner so I’m in the dog house for not wiping her paws when she came in from the garden - didn’t think I’d need to as it was all frozen outside, I only do that when it’s wet/muddy.

Ours, avoids going on the grass when it's wet. When she asks to go out, you open the door, she looks out and if it's raining she turns round, changing her mind.
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