What have you been doing today?

Up at 4.00 taking ibuprofen and paracetemol to ease the pain of my shoulder muscle that I tore last week moving a dresser 4” round my mums to plug a telly in. Was getting better until I took a t-shirt off and it felt like someone had chopped half my shoulder away. It literally brought me to my knees and at one point I asked Mrs Mottie to cut the shirt off. She just told me to get on with it - she's all sympathy sometimes! It’s okayish during the day but if I turn over in my sleep and lay on it for a while….feck me it hurts and wakes me up. I have to get up and dose myself up before going back to bed.
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Sodding about with the Golf. Sometimes it starts when covered with frost. Other times I have to gas it up to start it. I stuck it on the scanner this afternoon and it showed number 1 glow plug was open circuit. Changed that but I don’t seem to be getting a feed to the glow plugs when I first switch on although the glow plug light on the dash comes on for a few seconds - maybe the engine was too hot so I’ll check that again in the morning. I bought another can of 'start, ya bastard' just in case. ;)
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Sodding about with the Golf. Sometimes it starts when covered with frost. Other times I have to gas it up to start it. I stuck it on the scanner this afternoon and it showed number 1 glow plug was open circuit. Changed that but I don’t seem to be getting a feed to the glow plugs when I first switch on although the glow plug light on the dash comes on for a few seconds - maybe the engine was too hot so I’ll check that again in the morning. I bought another can of 'start, ya bastard' just in case. ;)

I've been going about hopping mad. My neighbour through the wall phoned me this afternoon.
He's going to get another caravan, and park it in his garden, right along the boundary so that it blocks out all the light into my living room.
I just put a new full length window in that room, I'd have been as well boarding it up.
He gave me some cock and bull story about his wife wants to go for wee holidays. Bl00dy liar, the are in their seventies and won't be able to pull it with their Hyundai i10. It's going to be his son's caravan who lives one mile away and drives a Mitsibishi L200 but lives in a flat meaning he has no garden to put it in.
Sodding about with the Golf. Sometimes it starts when covered with frost. Other times I have to gas it up to start it. I stuck it on the scanner this afternoon and it showed number 1 glow plug was open circuit. Changed that but I don’t seem to be getting a feed to the glow plugs when I first switch on although the glow plug light on the dash comes on for a few seconds - maybe the engine was too hot so I’ll check that again in the morning. I bought another can of 'start, ya bastard' just in case. ;)
Out this morning as soon as it was light. Disconnected the glow plug loom, connected up a test lamp, ignition on, test lamp glowed strong for about 2 seconds and then went dim as if there was a bad feed. I thought I’d crank it over to see if it got a full feed on cranking….and it fired up immediately with no glow plugs connected. The car was covered in frost and it was -3.5°! I've just ordered a glow plug relay off eBay and I’ll try that when it comes. I'm not that concerned as I have a fresh can of easy start. Trouble is, mrs Mottie doesn’t want to feck about doing that so on cold mornings, so I have to start it up for her - once it’s been run for a minute, it’s okay for the rest of the day. Strange that it will start with no glow plugs connected but on cold mornings without frost, it sometimes won’t start. Always my own cars I have aggro with - maybe it something to do with not being paid to fix 'em…. :ROFLMAO:
Received our new Brexit British passports today. It said in the accompanying leaflet that we get priority lanes over EU passport holders even when in EU countries. Brexit benefit. (y)

Its an E passport so you can try use the automatic gates - that's it.

Mate you need to lay off the Brexit Ganga you smoke - its addled your brain.
Went up the workshop today to do a quick job for a friend of a friend. Fit a new rad in a Mondeo. What a ****ing nightmare! It was a V6 auto. Everything that could be rusted and seized was rusted and seized. The 4mm bolts that hold the bottom rad bracket to the subframe, the fan housing retaining bolts - had to chop the old rad to bits to get the fan housing off and then get them out when the housing was on the bench. One of the bolts that held the A/C rad to the main rad but worse of all was one of the spring clips that secure the poxy push-fit rad hoses had completely rusted. I had to make one out of a caliper spring clip. Took bloody ages doing it by trial and error - heating it up with a blowtorch, bending it, shaping it - took me half an hour or more. It was too late to phone a main dealer but I somehow think you can’t buy them separately. I had a Quick Look on eBay and all I could I see were secondhand hoses for £30 upwards. Anyway, finished it all but really put my shoulder out again. I’m too old to be scrabbling around doing jobs like this. No more!
Went up the workshop today to do a quick job for a friend of a friend. Fit a new rad in a Mondeo. What a ****ing nightmare! It was a V6 auto. Everything that could be rusted and seized was rusted and seized. The 4mm bolts that hold the bottom rad bracket to the subframe, the fan housing retaining bolts - had to chop the old rad to bits to get the fan housing off and then get them out when the housing was on the bench. One of the bolts that held the A/C rad to the main rad but worse of all was one of the spring clips that secure the poxy push-fit rad hoses had completely rusted. I had to make one out of a caliper spring clip. Took bloody ages doing it by trial and error - heating it up with a blowtorch, bending it, shaping it - took me half an hour or more. It was too late to phone a main dealer but I somehow think you can’t buy them separately. I had a Quick Look on eBay and all I could I see were secondhand hoses for £30 upwards. Anyway, finished it all but really put my shoulder out again. I’m too old to be scrabbling around doing jobs like this.

I once changed a clutch on an Alfa Romeo Alfasud, I don't want to talk about it.
I got traumatised doing the brake pads on a 'sud.

The Haynes manual said undoing the Allen grub screws was the same direction on both sides of the car. After huffing and puffing and skinning myself, I worked out that one side was the opposite way round to the other...

Thanks for that, John!
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