What have you been doing today?

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Having my flu, covid and shingles jags done, ouch ouch ouch.
I had my flu and Covid jabs done at the same time but I was told I was the wrong age (66) for the shingles jab and didn’t have any underlying reasons to have it. Mrs Mottie tells me it costs the GP around a hundred quid a shot so they don't give them out like sweeties!
I had my flu and Covid jabs done at the same time but I was told I was the wrong age (66) for the shingles jab and didn’t have any underlying reasons to have it. Mrs Mottie tells me it costs the GP around a hundred quid a shot so they don't give them out like sweeties!
I’m 66, I was sent a letter from NHS Lothian Department of Vaccinations saying “You’re now being invited to have your Shingles vaccine as our records show you are eligible owing to your age”.
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I've been offered it too, but I think it's because of all the conditions I've got.
I’m 66, I was sent a letter from NHS Lothian Department of Vaccinations saying “You’re now being invited to have your Shingles vaccine as our records show you are eligible owing to your age”.
I had a text from my surgery saying the same, I phoned up to make an appointment, they said to just let them get the older ones out of the way first, I heard nothing for months so when I phoned back they said I wasn’t eligible. It was for those that turned 65 after Sept 1st last year. I was already 65 by then so was too old!
I had a text from my surgery saying the same, I phoned up to make an appointment, they said to just let them get the older ones out of the way first, I heard nothing for months so when I phoned back they said I wasn’t eligible. It was for those that turned 65 after Sept 1st last year. I was already 65 by then so was too old!
I didn't have to go to the surgery, it was done in a vaccination clinic, located in a shopping centre, there was about 4 jaggers and hardly any patients.
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TBF, I was trying to get the best price for it, as you would. But nobody wanted it.
Had my pre-chemo health check today and start my first dose on 5th Feb, (week next Monday). Another dose the following Monday, followed by a 2 week break and then rinse & repeat for the next 2 doses. Have to have blood tests on the Friday before each infusion and will also have a bone infusion to lower my calcium levels which have gone high again. Before I can get the bone infusion done I have to have a dental check-up to make sure my gums are healthy. Can't get an NHS dentist for love nor money, so costing £70 to go private.
At least now we have a timetable and can plan things around the dates & times. Feeling a bit more relaxed now.
We 'acquired' a couple of timber pallets, a double and a single, so today's task has been to pull them apart so they can be 'repurposed'. Plan is to make a very long planter, for the back garden, and two smaller ones, to go either side of the front door, along with a lattice, for creepers to grow on. I've never bothered before, trying to reclaim pallet timber....

The double came apart without too much damage, because the nails were not rusted, but the smaller one proved more difficult, it had been in the weather and the nails were rusty. Tried hammering it apart, prising it with crow bars, but it was hard going and causing it to split. I thought of blowing it apart with the compressor and an airbag, but that seemed like a long job, finally settled on using an old scissor jack to pop the laths apart.
I sometimes, have a prowl around FB, just to see if I might be able to track down any of my old friends and colleagues. One such friend, I've not seen nor heard of since our teens, but we were quite friendly back then, still a teen - I even helped him set up a home, with his girlfriend. Having helped him set up, we rather went our separate ways.

It seems almost everyone has a Facebook account, and if their name is unusual, they are 'findable'. Curious to see how this particular friend's life had turned out, I have a few times looked on FB for him, but without success, until last evening. Last evening, I searched again, but using what I remembered as his nickname, and found him almost immediately - except according to the comments posted on his site, he had passed away some 13 years ago.

Reading between the lines, he had no direct family, no partner, no offspring, just a few friends, relations, and work colleagues.
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