Just arrived back home, after two weeks absence. I always have in the back of my mind, what if something had happened whilst away - burst pipe, break-in, or similar. We once arrived home, to find the shower had turned itself on, most of the water had made it down the drain, but some had made it to the floor, the ceiling below, and the toilet below that. We were lucky, it all dried out just fine and paint tidied it up.
Arrived home, and not a thing out of place, except local cats had been in the flower beds.
The remote buttons for the car, managed to split the plastic over the buttons, on both sets of keys - so whilst away I ordered up 2x replacements for the plastic fobs part - not key, no pcb, no transponder, just the plastic clamshell case. Not OEM, but copies. Got those transferred across, and tested fine.
The fancy clock in the caravan, originally worked on a special 1.5v battery, but years ago, I botch adapted it to use instead an AA, using a bit of wire, and tape, instead of a proper battery holder. Whilst away, I ordered up a single AA battery holder. Avril seeing me faffing with the clock and the taped up battery, also ordered one too. This afternoon we had two wire-ended single AA battery holders in the letterbox. I just needed to solder that on, then make a little bracket to support the holder.
Then I got the tractor out, to cut the grass, and found one of the rear tyres, down to 5psi. Blew that up, and then called to go in for a coffee and a chocolate muffin. Right, coffee drunk - back out to crack on with cutting the grass..