What have you been doing today?

Did an openwater swim this morning, then a 30min session on the wahoo smart trainer.

Knackered out, but it'll be a good excuse for the golf tomorrow ;)
swimming in an English river? - probably be dead by the morn
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We gave the dog a thorough bath, out on the drive. I bought one of those dog baths long ago, which is a tubular frame, supporting a waterproof fabric, with a sort of gate at one end. Then attach a spray hose, to the downstairs toilet, washbasin tap, which is temperature controlled.

Which away, the electronic gadget which I devised many years ago, to indicate when the caravan was absolutely level, gave a bit of bother, so this afternoon I decided I ought to build a back-up device, and accurate calibration device. I turned a plum bob, from a bit of brass, drilled and tapped it 6mm, then drilled a 2mm hole down the centre of a 6mm bolt, for a string. Simple idea, is to hang it from a hook, in the door way between living space, and bathroom, placing a aiming mark on the floor.

I'm very fussy about it feeling properly level, besides - the shower only drains effectively, when the caravan is spot on level.
Went and harvested some beetroot from the plot. Boiled it up while Mrs Mottie is out tonight as she's not fond of the smell - it does smell a bit 'earthy' when you’re boiling it and you also are left with what looks like a bucket of blood and gore afterwards. :ROFLMAO:
Designing and making a wooden plate drainer, for the caravan. 20x20mm for the rectangular base, and 6mm diameter rods for verticals. We couldn't find anything ready-made, which suited, to buy, and so made one. When not in use, it folds up almost flat. Having completed that, I got the plum bob system I made yesterday, installed - it just needs calibrating, with a target mark on the floor.
I'm very fussy about it feeling properly level, besides - the shower only drains effectively, when the caravan is spot on level

And if the caravan chassis flexes?

Would it not be simpler (not to mention, more accurate for the main purpose) to use the dripping of the shower, and mark the target in the tray?
Would it not be simpler (not to mention, more accurate for the main purpose) to use the dripping of the shower, and mark the target in the tray?

1/ The water system wouldn't have any water in it, until much later in setting up.

2/ The shower head, like most shower heads, can be set in a wide variety of locations.

3/ The chassis flex is minimal.
Had a call and hour and a half ago from the vet. Wondered why they were ringing.

Turns out our cat got run over outside our house. He died.


He was a rescue and a timid little thing, but we grew to love him and he grew to be a bit less timid.

Now I'm feeling really bad because I saw him a few minutes before he got run over and I thought I'd give him his monthly flea treatment. But I didn't. If I had, he'd have run off and hidden under a bed. And he'd be alive....

Poor catty bugger...

Had a call and hour and a half ago from the vet. Wondered why they were ringing.

Turns out our cat got run over outside our house. He died.


He was a rescue and a timid little thing, but we grew to love him and he grew to be a bit less timid.

Now I'm feeling really bad because I saw him a few minutes before he got run over and I thought I'd give him his monthly flea treatment. But I didn't. If I had, he'd have run off and hidden under a bed. And he'd be alive....

Poor catty bugger...
Sorry to hear that. We lost one of our cats the same way a couple of years back. Just like you, I'd seen him leave out the cat flap just minutes before and all those "would have, should have" thoughts came to mind. Try not to be too hard on yourself.

At least someone had the decency to take your moggy to the vets. The car that hit ours didn't stop, but my neighbour happened to see our cat crawling along injured and knocked for me. I had to race him to the vets myself, but he was already gone by the time I got him there.

Time heals and hopefully you'll get another cat in time when everyone at home is ready. Life is better when you have a cat as part of the family.
Bless you KA2 and thanks.

Life certainly is better with a Moggy in residence.

The first two were brother and sister, weeks old when I picked them up from a CPL shelter in 1989. The girl died while I was watching her cross the road outside our house in 2005. The boy died in 2007.

Then we inherited a pair from a family emigrating to Canada.

The boy Elwood was a very sweet character but he died young of cardiac problems and the girl died a few years after.

They worm their way into your hearts and you love them to bits but it's very painful when they go.
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