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This is Elwood. Gorgeous creature!

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remember my table top from a few weeks back

found a bit of wood so I can start the leg, its a bit battered and full of nails and screws but uts Pitch Pine abd that has a beautiful end grain and could look nice
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get them all glued together and see what it looks like
you should've begun a thread in 'My Projects' for future reference and a guide for anyone wanting to make something similar.
you should've begun a thread in 'My Projects' for future reference and a guide for anyone wanting to make something similar.
There is such a place?
Yes I should put them all together

meanwhile, got a bit more done, glued it all up on a threaded bar, the cross grain would make it quite weak


Didn't turn well tried carbide scraper and my super sharper roughing chisel but the finish was awful

So took to it with the angle grinder (36 grit disc) made a lot of sawdust but thankfully it is giving a better finish, been over it with some 80grit and it is looking promising
think I will take it down to 320 before oiling, a lot of time sanding:(
There is such a place?
Yes I should put them all together

meanwhile, got a bit more done, glued it all up on a threaded bar, the cross grain would make it quite weak
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Didn't turn well tried carbide scraper and my super sharper roughing chisel but the finish was awful
View attachment 352085

So took to it with the angle grinder (36 grit disc) made a lot of sawdust but thankfully it is giving a better finish, been over it with some 80grit and it is looking promising
think I will take it down to 320 before oiling, a lot of time sanding:(
View attachment 352086
There is such a place not so far, far away.;)
This year we didn’t renew our green bin from the council. It had risen up from £35 a few years ago, to £80 this year. No problem for me as I run our grass cuttings over the allotment and add to the compost pile. We still have the bin (council won’t collect it) and a few months ago, I gave the conifers in the front a good haircut and just filled the bin up. I’m looking after a neighbours house at the moment and she asked me to put her green bin out tomorrow. Hers was half full so I wheeled it up to mine and transferred the conifer branches and cuttings into hers. It was a dirty stinking job though as the clippings had turned to mush as well as being well mouldy. At one point though, I had to get my step ladder out to get in and jump the lot down. Did it though and took it back to hers for putting out tomorrow. Job done.
Popped over the allotment today and found that the bloody squirrel gang had chewed through my netting and eaten or vandalised my sweetcorn crop. This is the third year they’ve done that - wire cage next year. I thought I’d got away with it as they have been breaking and entering other plot holders netted sweetcorn. Funnily enough, some people (admittedly further away from the trees they live in) that have not netted their sweetcorn have had no bother - yet! They left me just two of 'em. The little shìts.

View attachment 350794
Bloke on the next plot does things with military precision. Everything is marked out with string, spirit levels are used too. Only plot I’ve ever seen that has balustrading. He had an old greenhouse that he removed the glass and made up individual wood framed netting panels to look smart. Well guess what? Yep, he got done last night. :ROFLMAO: They had the lot just before he was to harvest them.



There’s only a few sweetcorn crops that haven’t been touched and bizarrely, they aren’t netted! Perhaps they are working their way towards them.


Edit: on second viewing, it looks like they have made a start on them - the ones on the right have been felled with the little buggers climbing up them. It might even be rats yet - nobody has actually seen them doing their night time raids. Now they’ve found them, they’ll be all gone on the next two days.
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remember my table top from a few weeks back

found a bit of wood so I can start the leg, its a bit battered and full of nails and screws but uts Pitch Pine abd that has a beautiful end grain and could look nice
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View attachment 352031

View attachment 352032
get them all glued together and see what it looks like
very impressive bandsawing

I wish I could do woodworking as a hobby but 40 years of being involved in wood work as a career has jaded my enthusiasm for doing it as a hobby, currently I do work on listed buildings which is quite enjoyable but tough, dusty and dirty
very impressive bandsawing

I wish I could do woodworking as a hobby but 40 years of being involved in wood work as a career has jaded my enthusiasm for doing it as a hobby, currently I do work on listed buildings which is quite enjoyable but tough, dusty and dirty
I’m the same with cars. I have absolutely no enthusiasm for fixing/maintaining/modifying my own. Or anybody else’s!
My washing machine moaned that it was stinky and wanted me to put it on the cleaning cycle. I went one better and put it on the hottest cotton wash, 95 degrees. No soap, no clothes.

Came down 10 minutes later and found this. It was like a scene from Woody Allen's "The Sleeper"!

You need to buy a more interesting car ;)
I don’t even think that would reignite my enthusiasm. I’ve totally rebuilt a few from a shell upwards - Mini, Anglia 105E, MK1 RS2000, MK2 Cortina Lotus. You might be the same if you had been working on them day in, day out for 50 years. I’ve had enough!


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