What have you been doing today?

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The MiL's house is being put up for sale in a few weeks as she's in a care home now and doesn’t need it any more. Been down there this morning with Mrs Mottie having a clear out, weeding the garden and painting one of the bedrooms that had been plastered a few years ago due to a roof leak. Still a fair bit to do, especially getting rid of all the furniture. Probably going to get a charity in to clear the lot. Surprisingly modern for an 83 year old - the estate agent was not expecting it to be in the condition it was in.
Thanks, but -
I thought it might make me feel something, but no. It was as I said a bit of a slog - "serves me right for volunteering".. It was something to use up some life I suppose. I'm glad it worked, but I thought it would, like mowing a lawn works.
Sorry to hear you felt like this.

Sometimes in the immediate time aftermath the effort of the task it doesn't feel like it was worth it, but hopefully in the long term the positive influence and potential change of trajectory you've had on this young lady's life will make it feel like it was worth it after all (y)
Our daughter had been having trouble with her guts for some time and has recently been diagnosed as coeliac. Much better now she’s on a gluten free diet but apparently it’s inherited so Mrs Mottie and I had to have our blood tested for it. Mine came back clear, Mrs Mottie not so - had even higher readings than our daughter but she is showing no symptoms whatsoever. She has to have further tests (apparently could have 'silent coeliac’) but in the meantime she is trying out gluten free foods. I'm currently making a gluten free loaf in the breadmaker but the mixture is looking like a yoghurt! Rice flour, oil (lots of it), vinegar, yeast, egg white, sugar and water. There is a gluten free setting in the machine which I am using but I think it’s going to come out like a brick. We'll see…
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I think you're doing yourself down.
You've done a real service for that young person and I think you should be proud of your (and therefore her) achievements.
There is a gluten free setting in the machine which I am using but I think it’s going to come out like a brick.
More Celcon block. A tad anaemic looking on top. Might try a slice later. Has the right 'ring' to it when tapped though.

Walked the dog on a different walk that we had never done before - part of it went along the side of a golf course. She found a couple of balls to replace the ones I lost last week. A dayglo orange Slazenger and a Callaway CXR. Also found the head of a driver that someone must have snapped in frustration. :ROFLMAO: I've often felt like doing that myself.


That was the enjoyable part. The less enjoyable part was when my dog ran off and went round the other side of a tree and would not come back. When I got to her, I found her finishing off a human turd next to some shìtty tissues and a dogend. I imagine a lazy golfer had taken a dump while having a fag. :sick: She'll not be getting a goodnight kiss from me tonight!
Went to the pub last night. Mid August, wearing a coat and sheltering under an umbrella. So this is global warming? Thought there were supposed to be cacti growing all over the South East by now? :unsure:
Went to the pub last night. Mid August, wearing a coat and sheltering under an umbrella. So this is global warming? Thought there were supposed to be cacti growing all over the South East by now? :unsure:
Nah you'll be dead by the time it's a real problem for Westerners.
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