What have you been doing today?

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MiL had her gas fire condemned, gas man removed it and capped the supply off, yesterday I fitted an electric coal effect heater on the opposite wall, when she saw it this morning her comment was "where is the smoke going to go"
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There’s only a few sweetcorn crops that haven’t been touched and bizarrely, they aren’t netted! Perhaps they are working their way towards them.

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Edit: on second viewing, it looks like they have made a start on them - the ones on the right have been felled with the little buggers climbing up them. It might even be rats yet - nobody has actually seen them doing their night time raids. Now they’ve found them, they’ll be all gone on the next two days.

Told ya. All gone!


Spent some considerable time today cleaning out my greenhouse and shed. Harvested my butternut squash crop and moved them to the greenhouse to ripen fully.

At last, some of my tomatoes are starting to ripen.

Yesterday evening, and time for bed, so usual routine - let the dog out, back in and lock up. She then climbs on the stair lift, I adapted for her, ready to be taken upstairs. The lift has two battery remote controls, one fixed at the bottom, one fixed at the top, plus a third control actually on the lift itself, for the person sat on the lift chair, which only works with the seat down, and arms down - except using it for the dog, they cannot be down, so a remote is used to send her/it up. I use the remote at the bottom of the stairs, to send her up, she jumps off at the top, then I bring the lift back down. With her on the lift, part way up the stairs, I cannot get past the lift and her.

Avril is away for a few days, so just me and the dog in the house. As usual - on the dog jumped, I pressed the remote up button, the lift went halfway up, then came to a stop, remote control battery, flat. I've been dreading that happening, not quite knowing how she might react, expecting her to maybe panic. Not a bit of it.....

She just stood there, on the adapted footboard, and patiently waited for the lift to restart and deliver her to the top - except the only way I could get her the rest of the way, was by getting past her blocking the stairs, to get my hands on the second remote at the stair top. The only way past her, being for me to clamber up the bannister. She was absolutely brilliant, she stayed put, expressing just mild curiosity, as I struggled to get up past her, get the second remote, and take her the rest of the way.
Today's main task, was to fit the fancy ceiling led light, fan unit, which was delivered yesterday evening, in the main bedroom, to replace the pendant light and shade. I've never liked working on ceilings, especially not now that looking up causes me to go dizzy, as my PB falls, so not a fun job at all.

Idea was disconnect, and take ceiling rose down, fit X bracket, then finally connect the fan, before fixing fan to X bracket. This, was over the heavy bed, and not enough space to move it to one side. The Idea I came up with, was to fold the mattress up, weight it down so it stayed folded, then remove bed slats temporarily to get a pair of steps under light location.

The rose came away, and the X bracket fitted, without much of a problem, then I tried to fit the fan. The mains input terminals, were those where you press a plastic lever, then insert the wire(s) - so that's me balancing at the top of a pair of steps, one hand supporting the fan, second hand squeezing the lever on the terminal, third hand needed to insert the wire - (except, what third hand???)..... Remember Avril is absentia.

I ended up threading a bit of string through the X bracket on the ceiling, attaching one end to the fan, and the other end tied to the top of the ladder. Mid way through which, the dog, left downstairs, began demanding to ride upstairs, on the adapted for her stair lift. I could hear her, hopping on and off, trying to get it to start, not realising I have to press a button ;)

All it needed, was a simple plug and socket, instead of connectors. Anyway, it's up now, all tested and working via the included remote, just the Bluetooth to sort out. It mentions you can use the remote, or a bluetooth app to control it, but gives no clue about which bluetooth app actually works with it.
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remember my table

got back to it the day, this is the only bit of wood I have that matches the main body of the leg, so I needed to get the three small legs cut out without mistakes, scary moment needed to concentrate

got it carefully maked out - would have prefered to get the graining running truer, but this was the best I could do

anyway, so far so good, cut out and tenoned

next traumatic bit is the three mortises, can't bollux that up
Today, Mrs Motties mum was picked up from the care home by her son and taken for a ride out to Terling where all the family had set up a surprise do for her on the village green in celebration of her 84th birthday. A lovely place spoiled slightly by no bugger picking up their dogs shìt on the green so to make the area safe for the kids to run about, I picked up about half a kilo of the stuff and binned it. It’s a good job I’m not squeamish about it!


She had a great time and all of her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren were there bar one who is on holiday in China. She has dementia and who knows whether she’ll even know who we are in a years time.


Before we went home, we went to the local ford where some of the great grandchildren as well as the granddog had a paddle.


A walk from there to the local pub where we all had drinks before setting off home. She enjoyed it very much and that made Mrs Mottie very, very happy. :giggle:
Today, Mrs Motties mum was picked up from the care home by her son and taken for a ride out to Terling where all the family had set up a surprise do for her on the village green in celebration of her 84th birthday. A lovely place spoiled slightly by no bugger picking up their dogs shìt on the green so to make the area safe for the kids to run about, I picked up about half a kilo of the stuff and binned it. It’s a good job I’m not squeamish about it!

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She had a great time and all of her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren were there bar one who is on holiday in China. She has dementia and who knows whether she’ll even know who we are in a years time.

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Before we went home, we went to the local ford where some of the great grandchildren as well as the granddog had a paddle.

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A walk from there to the local pub where we all had drinks before setting off home. She enjoyed it very much and that made Mrs Mottie very, very happy. :giggle:
It's very difficult when people lose their memories. It's upsetting for rellies and sometimes frustrating for themselves.

Surround her with lots of pictures from the day and hopefully that will help.
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