What have you been doing today?

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I was required to have blood samples, ready for my next Nephrology (kidneys) consultant appointment, so I got it done at my local surgery. The surgery pharmacist also wanted blood samples too, to kept my meds, so I killed the two birds, in one, before going after a third.....

Some of my vehicle lamps, use yellow coloured bulbs, rather than yellow lens. The caravan ones, especially the yellow is flaking away. so as I was in the same village for my appointment, as a rather good parts store, I popped in to get some headlight yellow paint, to re-yellow the lamp bulbs. Then I waited for the bus home, and waited, and waited. Three consecutive buses cancelled - I was stuck there an hour. Not to worry, the stop was opposite a large Co-op, which makes use of those six-wheeled robots, to make deliveries - so I was kept entertained by their antics :giggle:
Not to worry, the stop was opposite a large Co-op, which makes use of those six-wheeled robots, to make deliveries - so I was kept entertained by their antics :giggle:

For a second there, I was expecting you to say that you ordered something for delivery, then cadged a lift home on one :ROFLMAO:
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The MIL's house is being put up for sale. Fully furnished but nothing in there that she can take to the care home so it’s all going to be given away/donated/chucked out when the house is sold. I went down there today and took all the gardening tools for the allotment. Also took a wicker table and chairs plus a bistro table and chairs for Miss Mottie who moved from a flat to a house yesterday. She has a nice summerhouse/shed there too which Miss Mottie might want - I think she paid something like £1200 for it to be delivered and assembled.,She'd need to hire a van but I can take it to pieces and build it back up for her. I’ll ask her tomorrow when we go to see the new house.

Painting shelf units, the built in type, I can't stand painting generally but painting built in shelves is on another level of awful. Oh well about 1/3 of the priming done due to a late start today and lack of motivation, will get that finished tomorrow then I'd love to think I can get away with just one coat of paint!
Sorting the little tractor mower out. The 'go' peddle was only working, when it was almost at the limit of its travel, but strangely - the biting point seemed to vary.

So drop the cutting deck down, release it, then heave the tractor over, onto its right-hand side. Rolled onto its left, oil spills into the carb, and fuel leaks out the fuel tank.. Took the opportunity, to blow all the grass cuttings from the entire under-side, with the compressor - it makes it so much easier to see what's going on.

Exploring that, I spotted that two of the three PTO clutch bolt nuts were absentia, so I took the clutch off, to find that was metal on metal, with the three bolt heads, once welded to the plate, completely adrift - they have the clutch springs on them. Welded the three back in their holes, cut some clutch friction material from some gasket material, superglued that, to a plate, then after struggling to match the two missing nut threads (USA mower), then reassembled the PTO, refitted, and check the PTO drive locked up when the lever was turned - it did.

Next, I found a spring flapping about loose, which was supposed to tension the drive for the deck, the end of which had snapped, so heat up the end, to soften it, and form a new loop.

Then finally investigate why the 'go' peddle was near the bottom limit of its travel, before the tractor would move. It uses two belts for the drive - one from engine to mid-point, where the DAF type variable speed pulley is located. Then a second one, to drive the diff, at the rear. The first belt, had two opposing pulleys, one of which was attached to the 'go' pedal. Press go, and the pulley tightens the belt, release and the belt just slips on the engine pulley.

Both belts looked OK, I couldn't find any reason for the go peddle needing to be pressed so far down, but I did find an adjustment between the pedal, and the pulley, set at near maximum length, so I shorted that.

Next I have to reassemble it all, and test it - I'm just taking a break indoors, from the heat out there...

[EDIT] Just finished the reassembly, and it works absolutely fine. I also learned a bit of a trick, for more easily getting the heavy citting deck back in place....

Do all the mechanical connections first, then finally put the drive belt on the PTO pulley - pulling against the spring, and turning the engine pulley. Much easier way..
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Another day avoiding working on that daft table leg

Got my book "The Fair Botanist" finished - what a nice easy going story
and started another - "Tidelands" by Philipa Gregory, comes highly recommended, not sure if this is her novel about witches, starts off well, 400 pages to go.
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Lifted a couple of my pumpkins today as the foliage was dying off and I didn’t want to leave them on the ground until October. One of them is a fair size, heavy and difficult to get a grip on and I nearly dropped the bugger! I felt like Geoff Capes in the worlds strongest man walking it back to the shed.

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Busy swapping caravan, and car, from 7pin 12N and 12S electrics (older dual plugs, and cables), both over to 13pin single plug socket. I made a point of ordering a kit able to accept twin cables, but the kit was made for one thick and one thinner cable - both of my multi-core cables are thick versions - making it very difficult to fit cables, in the water-proof sleeves..

Fed up with drivers parking and ignoring the yellow line in our street, some not only ignoring the yellow lines, but parked completely blocking the footpaths, I rang Parking Services, to ask them to pay a visit. One of which - is a fully loaded scaffold truck, where the owner appears to have gone on holiday, and left the truck parked for days, on a brow, and on a bend too - forcing others drivers to pull out blind to oncoming traffic.
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