What have you been doing today?

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Went on a guided tour to Spinalonga. Fascinating story about the leper colony on a little island off the coast of Crete. The island and its story became very popular after the book by Victoria Hislop 'The Island'. So much so, she was given Greek citizenship by Greece.

Finally caught and set free the baby lizard that’s been running around our bungalow.
Went on a guided tour to Spinalonga. Fascinating story about the leper colony on a little island off the coast of Crete. The island and its story became very popular after the book by Victoria Hislop 'The Island'. So much so, she was given Greek citizenship by Greece.

The story of the island was shown in a program on TV, something like 'Abandoned Engineering' series of films.
Oh, I had the smallest amuse-bouche ever tonight. Could have done with a pair of tweezers to eat it with! Mmm. So filling………
Biggest amuse tonight. A bit of toast with a squid ink spread, topped with octopus. Tasted like you’d expect it to taste and turned my tongue black!

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Phew. That was a long day. Interesting but bloody hot! 36° in Heraklion. All to see the world’s oldest flushing loo, the oldest throne, the oldest sewer, the oldest road, the oldest just about everything according to our guide. Those Greeks love to lay claim to the first this, that and the other, don’t they? :ROFLMAO:
Phew. That was a long day. Interesting but bloody hot! 36° in Heraklion. All to see the world’s oldest flushing loo, the oldest throne, the oldest sewer, the oldest road, the oldest just about everything according to our guide. Those Greeks love to lay claim to the first this, that and the other, don’t they? :ROFLMAO:

They'll be claiming "democracy" next ;)
Phew. That was a long day. Interesting but bloody hot! 36° in Heraklion. All to see the world’s oldest flushing loo, the oldest throne, the oldest sewer, the oldest road, the oldest just about everything according to our guide. Those Greeks love to lay claim to the first this, that and the other, don’t they? :ROFLMAO:

When I lived in Tel Aviv (a newish City) for a few months the smell of sewage in the street was quite common due to a collapsed drain or blockage yet they never had those problems in the walled city of Jerusalem where they were still using the system built by the Romans.
Had my final swim in the sea. Went from the bay, round the end of the outcrop and up the ladder on the jetty. I honestly thought I wasn’t going to make it - I nearly cut my losses and thought about clambering out over the rocks at the last 25 yards point. It’s the furthest I’ve swam in about 40 years! Someone told me afterwards that it’s normal to do it the other way round as the wind or current in the sea is against you doing it that way!


Found another pool right up the top of the hotel complex too!


Last meal tonight, last breakfast tomorrow and then home. :( I was just getting used to the place too.
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in complete and total contrast to mottie - I have just seen a GRITTER ! aye, its certainly been cold today but I hadn't quite thought that cold, but there it was one of the large highways gritters setting off from Hawick along the A7
Had my final swim in the sea. Went from the bay, round the end of the outcrop and up the ladder on the jetty. I honestly thought I wasn’t going to make it - I nearly cut my losses and thought about clambering out over the rocks at the last 25 yards point. It’s the furthest I’ve swam in about 40 years!

Well done!
A couple of hundred metres is not to be sniffed at, especially openwater (y)

Next, a mile: non-stop (y)
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