What have you been doing today?

Making some soup for our lunch. From the plot of Mott I used one of my butternut squashes, a potato and a leek. Roasted the squash, boiled the potato and softened up the leek in the frying pan. Chucked them in the blender, added some vegetable stock, chilli flakes, dried coriander, salt, pepper and a knob of butter and blitzed it all until it was smooth. Just got to go out and get some fresh crusty bread to go with it. Mind you, I’m a bit full already as I necked what was left in the blender. :mrgreen:

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Yes, a wetsuit in winter. And a neoprene hat. I swim front crawl, with head in the water, so would get terrible headache without the hat.

Right now, in a "kneeskin", which is very thin, but warmer than budgie smugglers (y)

Some hardy sods wear normal swimwear all through winter...... but they rarely do anything more than head-up breaststroke.
Something I've not understood though, is such swimmers almost without fail wear a woolly hat.
"You lose most heart through your head" isn't likely to be the case, when you're near - naked and up to your chin in 4 degree C water.

If I make the effort to get in, I'll make the effort to swim properly.
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