What have you been doing today?

So in the mean time I designed a mounting bracket for a electric screwdrivers charger so it can be put on the wall like all the others in the workshop. Then a bracket to mount all my nut spinners on my tool board.
I wonder what I'll design tomorrow?

Printing the charger bracket now.

Are you Harry's son? ;)
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Had my best nights sleep since I caught this coronavirus. Woke up this morning, sprang out of bed, felt as fit as a fiddle. Told mrs mottie I was going to meet our friend and walk Susie with her and her dogs over our usual country park. She said I had to test myself first, pah, so I did. Quickest, strongest positive result so far! Bollux. :(


Just goes to show though - if I wasn’t testing, I’d be out there spreading the love!
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the thing is, its the way they exaggerate it all - take these temperature signs that they've bunged up everywhere. They only used to warn you when it was above 30ºc ,, but now they are showing a RED temperature warning when its in the 20s -

and that's just silly
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and I doubt it was in the 20s either - my van was saying 13,

Those global warning signs are ridiculous. Taking it way too far. I'm getting hot under the collar just thinking about it. :giggle:
Been visiting the Old Man on a geriatric ward today - about his sixth hospital stay this year. His vascular dementia and Alzheimers are really starting to bite now. However, some light relief is provided by some of the things he says in his confusion during my visits.

On his previous stay I visited him at the weekend and it went like this -

Him - "I thought you were going to visit me on Saturday"
Me - "It is Saturday!"
Him - silence

10 mins later.......................
Him - "What day is it today?"
Me - "Give me strength!!" :giggle:

This latest stay he mentioned to me that he was 92 years old. I should have left it at that, but for some reason I felt the need to correct him - telling him that as he was born in 1933 and it's 2024 now, he is only 91.

Went in next day, only to be told by the bloke in next bed that he had been talking to my father earlier that morning - said he didn't look too bad for 93. Once again, give me strength! :rolleyes::LOL:
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Been visiting the Old Man on a geriatric ward today - about his sixth hospital stay this year. His vascular dementia and Alzheimers are really starting to bite now. However, some light relief is provided by some of the things he says in his confusion during my visits.

On his previous stay I visited him at the weekend and it went like this -

Him - "I thought you were going to visit me on Saturday"
Me - "It is Saturday!"
Him - silence

10 mins later.......................
Him - "What day is it today?"
Me - "Give me strength!!" :giggle:

This latest stay he mentioned to me that he was 92 years old. I should have left it at that, but for some reason I felt the need to correct him - telling him that as he was born in 1933 and it's 2024 now, he is only 91.

Went in next day, only to be told by the bloke in next bed that he had been talking to my father earlier that morning - said he didn't look too bad for 93. Once again, give me strength! :rolleyes::LOL:
Blimey, if that’s the worst you’ve had so far, you’re having it good. He's doing well for a 91/92/93 year old. Make the most of those visits. (y)
Did a quick street walk with the dog. If she could hear, she'd realise how lucky she was - I’ve never seen these three dogs, all in my road, out being walked.


Blimey, if that’s the worst you’ve had so far, you’re having it good. He's doing well for a 91/92/93 year old. Make the most of those visits. (y)

No, there have been a number of difficult situations along the way. Have to laugh though when I can - like a self defence mechanism.

If he doesn't ever know what day it is, I suppose getting his age wrong is understandable. Anyway, if I go in on the next visit and find the fecker has got a telegram from The King on his bedside cabinet................................ :ROFLMAO:
We were both still testing positive for covid so Mrs Mottie told her mate we wouldn’t be joining her on a dog walk this morning but she said don’t be silly! She had no problem with it as we were outside and at least 6ft apart so we went. First time Mrs Mottie had been out of the house for a week. Mts Mottie still has a nasty cough but I’m as right as ninepence.

I normally buy a couple of tins of sardines to mix in with our Susie’s kibble as a treat for weekends. I fancied some myself tonight so I had some on toast for my tea. The looks she gave me! I ate them off my lap in the lounge and she jumped up on the sofa and just tried to stare me out as if to say I was eating her food!

I normally buy a couple of tins of sardines to mix in with our Susie’s kibble as a treat for weekends. I fancied some myself tonight so I had some on toast for my tea. The looks she gave me! I ate them off my lap in the lounge and she jumped up on the sofa and just tried to stare me out as if to say I was eating her food!

We got the same treatment, after dinner, eating homemade banana bread (cake), and custard :giggle:
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