What have you been doing today?

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7 this morning - I was scraping ice of the van windscreen

a bit early esp with all the global warming

That's the thing with global warming. When it's unseasonably hot, that's down to global warming. When it's unseasonably wet, that's down to global warming. When it's unseasonably cold..........................................global warming again. :unsure: Talk about hedging their bets! :rolleyes:

The only thing you can be sure with global warming is the politicians will make us all a lot poorer, using it as an excuse. :evil:
Tested myself this morning. It’s got me! It’s taken 5 years but we were about the only people I knew that hadn’t had it. We know where it came from - Mrs Motties mum picked it up in the care home and kept coughing directly in her face.


I’ve now got to cancel my hospital appointment, the dogs vaccination appointment and my flu vaccination. Mrs Mottie has got to cancel her hard to get hair appointment. Mind you, if we had got it earlier, it would have ruined our holiday and any later we would have missed out on our nephews wedding so every cloud and all that.
Hospital appointment changed to a telephone appointment, dogs annual check and vaccinations changed to next Wednesday and I’ve got to phone up in October to rebook my flu jab.

Both of us still under the weather but slightly better now so for tea tonight I made us some Jewish penicillin.
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I’ve got to phone up in October to rebook my flu jab.

I have already made my appointment for October, at the surgery on a Saturday, then I found a more local to me pharmacy, offers an earlier jab 5th, where you can just walk in. They will have stock before my appointment, so if I get it there - I will cancel the appointment.
All the best Motman!

Hope you and the missus shake it off soon.

I had COVID twice and found it helpful to monitor my sats (blood oxygen) with one of those gadgets that clip on your finger.

I was told that if the reading fell below 92, I should ring the hospital immediately. The first reading I took was 91....

This from NHS:

Attend your nearest A&E within an hour or call 999

A minority of people with COVID-19 will suffer more severe symptoms. You should attend A&E as quickly as possible or call 999 immediately if you experience the following:

  • Your blood oxygen levels are 92% or less (retake your reading immediately first)
  • You are unable to complete short sentences when at rest due to breathlessness
  • Your breathing gets worse suddenly.
OR if you develop these more general signs of serious illness:

  • Cough up blood
  • Feel cold and sweaty with pale or blotchy skin
  • Collapse or faint
  • Develop a rash that doesn’t fade when you roll a glass over it
  • Become agitated, confused or very drowsy
  • Stopped passing urine or are passing urine much less than usual.
I have already made my appointment for October, at the surgery on a Saturday, then I found a more local to me pharmacy, offers an earlier jab 5th, where you can just walk in. They will have stock before my appointment, so if I get it there - I will cancel the appointment.
That’s what I've always done - walked in to a local pharmacy. This year is the first time I've booked at my surgery as they kept sending me texts and asking me to book. I might just go to the pharmacy again.
Your blood oxygen levels are 92% or less (retake your reading immediately first)
98% for me and 99% for Mrs Mottie. Worse night ever last night for me though as my bloody nose wouldn’t stop running. Been up since about 4.00. I feel alright now but I'm going to assume my regular daytime position on the sofa after I’ve walked the dog.
Mrs Mottie reckons that this coronavirus makes her feel like she's pregnant! Morning sickness, tiredness, off of some foods and a hankering for others. I brought a smile to her face when I brought home a long forgotten favourite pregnancy meal for her lunch on my way back from the dog walk. She wolfed it down!

That's the thing with global warming. When it's unseasonably hot, that's down to global warming. When it's unseasonably wet, that's down to global warming. When it's unseasonably cold..........................................global warming again. :unsure: Talk about hedging their bets! :rolleyes:

The only thing you can be sure with global warming is the politicians will make us all a lot poorer, using it as an excuse. :evil:
the thing is, its the way they exaggerate it all - take these temperature signs that they've bunged up everywhere. They only used to warn you when it was above 30ºc ,, but now they are showing a RED temperature warning when its in the 20s -

and that's just silly

and I doubt it was in the 20s either - my van was saying 13,
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the thing is, its the way they exaggerate it all - take these temperature signs that they've bunged up everywhere. They only used to warn you when it was above 30ºc ,, but now they are showing a RED temperature warning when its in the 20s -

and that's just silly
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and I doubt it was in the 20s either - my van was saying 13,
It’s got me! It’s taken 5 years but we were about the only people I knew that hadn’t had it.
Best of luck with it. The newer bugs are not as hard hitting as the earlier ones. Took me a while to catch it as well. Wife bought it home as she does some work in a local church cafe. She still does most days so wondering when it will pop up again.
Had CV twice, don't envy you - get well soon.

Back on thread, I have done no actual work today and doubt I'll do any tomorrow.
Still waiting on the design dept to do stuff and parts to come in.

So in the mean time I designed a mounting bracket for a electric screwdrivers charger so it can be put on the wall like all the others in the workshop. Then a bracket to mount all my nut spinners on my tool board.
I wonder what I'll design tomorrow?

Printing the charger bracket now.
With the Chinese diesel heater pumping out so much convenient heat, I decided the space in my garage, occupied by my homemade pot-belly wood burning stove, would be better employed, as storage space for my mechanics tool-chest. So we took the stove out, and it's through the wall flue. What a filthy job, but all done now.
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