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When we moved here in 1990 I was up and down on the roof like a monkey fitting the aerial and a satellite dish onto the chimney - I even hoiked the satellite receiver and TV up there so I could line the satellite up and spent a pleasant half hour flicking between channels.

No need for a sat dish to be up high, at all - they work perfectly well, placed at ground level.
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No need for a sat dish to be up high, at all - they work perfectly well, placed at ground level.

Depends on the layout and orientation of your house as well as the location of the satellite. Anyway, the chimney stack was removed from the roof a few years later and we've been without a satellite ever since. Tell a lie, we had sky fitted when it came out but we stopped using it after about 6 months - they fitted it on our flank wall just peeking over the roof. Can’t honestly say I ever missed it when we got rid of it.
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