What have you been doing today?

Looking good Jonbey. Do you have a ladder for getting in and out?

If you put a drainage hole in the middle it will defeat part of the purpose of fitting a cover.
Covers are great for keeping leaves etc out of the water, but they should also be able to cause rainwater to run off rather than mix in with the pool water.
The only way I have found to do this is to put a gazebo over the covered pool, which also stops dead flies/insects getting drained in if you put a hole in the cover.
Has it filled up yet? How are you getting on with your pump and heater?

Got a ladder, need to build it. Over half filled, so not been able to test the filter and pump yet. Hopefully by the afternoon it will be ready.
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Now full. But heater ain't working. See other thread.
Went to wifes workplace to pick up her chair & footrest etc, looking like a long home working session, had to test out the background feature on the conference software in case I walked past in my thong
Is that a staple gun just tossed to the side?
No. Just placed carefully where I can find it. :whistle:

After my dog walk I went home, had my lunch then fell asleep watching telly. Woke up about 3.00. After that I had planned to go round my mums to fit up some kind of squirrel feeder she’s bought, drop my repeat prescription into the doctors and go over the allotment to plant some more radishes that I bought this morning. I did nothing. I then decided to cycle up to the doctors after my tea. Didn’t do that either. Had my tea outside and it’s started showering so I’m just sitting here under the umbrella drinking a cuppa with something trying to guilt trip me into another walk. :rolleyes:

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Today I painted and fitted up my wife’s birthday pressie - a mirror illusion gate. She’s been wanting one for years on account of our small back garden. All that extra land now. :D SHUT THAT BLOODY GATE! :rolleyes:

Probably one of the most used bits of kit in our arsenal. Absolute BOON.
TOP TIP: Buy the multi purpose blades. The wood cutting blades are good but dull very quickly. We always buy the ones with an open back.(y)

Refer to ' the best photo today'.

My mate has just got the Dewalt. He loves it.

More than his wife.

I have the Fein. Quality great.. Blade f in expensive
I got an Erbauer because I really didn't expect to use it much, I use it a lot, great tool.

Saxton blades are good for blades, they often have a deal, 15 blades for £20 quid or something like that although that would be 5 coarse, 5 fine and 5 bi-metal. But even when they don't have the super duper deal, I think they're about 2 quid per blade.
Quality seems OK to me.

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